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Hundreds of thousands visit

August 3, 2007 By Clayton Dube ON AN AVERAGE DAY IN CHINA more than ... China. In 2006, a total of 124.9 million people visited. The overwhelming ...   On an average day in 2006, 4,685 Americans visit China. Of those Americans, 3,077 ...

Wang, "The Japanese mainstream media in the Sino-Japanese rapprochement, 1964--1972," 2004

of China from 1966 to 1972. The core of the controversy is whether ... rapprochement. Much of this thesis consists of content analysis of reports on China ... that the debate on the objectivity of the Japanese reporting of China is in effect ...

Q&A with Fu Hongxing, Director of "Mr. Deng Goes to Washington"

to the United States in 1979, only a month after China established diplomatic ... of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The film retraces his pivotal visit that shifted China’s diplomacy. Click here to view the event page.   This video ...

Revisiting Kissinger's Secret Trip to Beijing

Richard Nixon argued for the necessity and benefits of engaging China. He felt this was essential given China's size and inevitable importance. Nixon also saw China as a useful counterbalance to the Soviet Union. ...

Beethoven in Beijing Lesson Plan

for History Making Productions. Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for a look at the resurgence of classical music in China through the legacy ...  spotlights the resurgence of classical music in China through the legacy ...

U.S. Department of State, "2009 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report," March 2009

Summary The People's Republic of China serves as a major drug transit ... but Afghanistan is also an important drug source area. China continues to have ... to China’s national security, its economy and its national and regional ...

U.S. Department of State, "2007 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report," March 18, 2007

Summary The People's Republic of China is a major factor ... producer/exporter of Amphetamine Type Stimulants (ATS). China continues to have ... of China limits what dedicated enforcement officials can accomplish. ...

Through Chinese Eyes

The pandemic's impact on productions and restrictions on releases in China meant ... in China last year. In 2017-2018, U.S. films held nine to fourteen of the top 25 slots. Chinese films are increasingly dominant in China, occupying ...

The Globalization of Chinese Soft Power- Jennifer Hubbert

in contemporary times. It was our goal to shed light on the bigger, broader issues ...

The Globalization of Chinese Soft Power- John Layton

in contemporary times. It was our goal to shed light on the bigger, broader issues ...
