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Suisheng Zhao, University of Denver

of the Center for China-US Cooperation at Graduate School of International ... of Contemporary China and is the author or editor of nine books or monographs. His most recent books include Debating Political Reform in China: Rule of Law ...

Harry Harding, George Washington University

on Asian affairs with a particular interest in China, he is the author of A Fragile Relationship: The United States and China Since 1972 (Brookings Institution Press, 1992), China and Northeast Asia: The Political Dimension ...

In memoriam: Ezra Vogel 傅高义, 1930-2020

U.S.-China Institute board of scholars and among the most distinguished ... and the Transformation of China for a lecture about Deng's foreign policies were very much driven by his assessment of the desperate need China had for better ...

Video: Guobin Yang Discusses the Factional Violence in the Red Guard Movement

Republic of China was united in its political outlook and at first embraced ... in China  (2016),  The Power of the Internet in China: Citizen Activism ... Pickard, forthcoming),  China’s Contested Internet  (2015),  The Internet, ...

Talking Points, June 24- July 6, 2011

June 24, 2011 China-Related Events June 24- July 6, 2011    Click ... to be the next ambassador to China. Locke should soon be confirmed by the full ... Richard Lugar (R-Indiana) argued that China’s government was enjoying great ...

Chunyun: millions return home

January 8, 2008 By Lawrence Gu ON AN AVERAGE DAY in China during ... China’s population, transporting over 2 billion passengers around ... and affordable type of transportation in China, appealing especially ...

What’s the Difference?—Comparing U.S. and Chinese Trade Data, March 27, 2009

and the People’s Republic of China. According to the United States, the 2008 bilateral trade deficit with China was $266.3 billion. According to China, its ... two-thirds of the difference in the value of China’s exports to the United ...

U.S. Department of State, "2015 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report," March 18, 2015

Introduction China is a significant destination and transit country for illicit ... chemicals. According to China’s National Narcotics Control Commission 2014 Annual Report on Drug Control in China, heroin is the most abused drug ...

Conversation with Kurt Campbell: The U.S. and Asia- A Status Report

been a key interlocutor with China at a time of increasingly strained ... China Sea and South China Sea, fueled by nationalistic passions in China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. He sat down with USC U.S.-China Institute ...

Deng Xiaoping, "Sino-American relations must be improved," Dec. 10, 1989

December 10, 1989 Your visit to China at this time is very ... between China and the United States, relations between the two countries ... Bush, and it is only reasonable that I should meet you. China ...
