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Roselyn Du on Media Portrayal of "Occupy Central"

November 22, 2017

Visiting scholar Roselyn Du examines how the Occupy Central in Hong Kong was presented in the news coverage by U.K., U.S., Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China media.

Video: Connie Yan-wai Lo and Ching Cheong Discuss the 1967 Hong Kong Riots

November 20, 2017

Director Connie Yan-wai Lo and journalist Ching Cheong talk after a screening of Vanished Archives 消失的檔案, a documentary film about the 1967 riots in Hong Kong that some say is the starting point for the development of Hong Kong consciousness.


November 16, 2017


观看 “中国牌:政治与政策”南加大美中学院十周年会议

November 16, 2017

观看 “中国牌:政治与政策”南加大美中学院十周年会议。本次会议在2016年9月29日于南加州大学丽笙酒店举办。

解析中国之旅– 观看南加大美中学院关于美国记者报道中国完整系列纪录片

November 16, 2017

我们从何了解中国?大多数美国人对中国的了解来自于新闻报道。系列纪录片《解析中国之旅》  聚焦这些报导中国自1940年以来巨大变化的新闻记者。这些报道包括历史中影响最深远的两个时刻,1972年尼克松访华和1989年天安门抗议事件。

Michael Meyer Discusses His Book "The Road To Sleeping Dragon: Learning China From The Ground Up"

November 8, 2017

The final book in Michael Meyer's China trilogy tells a story both deeply personal and universal as he captures what it feels like to learn a language, culture and history from the ground up. 

Lenora Chu Discusses Her Book "Little Soldiers: An American Boy, a Chinese School, and the Global Race to Achieve"

November 8, 2017

Lenora Chu explores what takes place behind closed classroom doors in China's education system. Chu’s eye-opening investigation challenges assumptions and considers the true value and purpose of education.

Wei Yen Discusses His Book "From The Great Wall to Wall Street"

November 8, 2017

Wei Yen (厳序纬), author and veteran businessman, examines Chinese outbound investment and how American businesses can take advantage of China’s rise to forge win-win partnerships.

Ma Ying-jeou visits USC

November 5, 2017

[Update, Nov.7,2017] For photos of the events, please go to: https:

USC And China In The News, September and October 2017

October 30, 2017

China-related news stories featuring University of Southern California faculty, students, staff, and programs.
