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Video: Erin Baggott Carter looks at how lobbying affects political outcomes in democracies

subsequently covered China as less threatening. Coverage pivoted away from US-China military rivalry and the CCP’s persecution of religious minorities and toward US-China economic cooperation.     Video is also available on our ...

Fulton, "Chinese disability policies and teacher attitudes toward integrated education," 1998

Republic of China and Taiwan revealed the effects of competing perspectives ... attention in Taiwan to the potential economic impact of greater integration ... to the traditional biomedical perspective or, given China's national development ...

Video: Made in Hollywood, Censored by Beijing

the cultural, political and economic implications of US media investment in China ... August 6, 2020 China is the world’s second largest film market and is a vital market for many American films. China’s government also has content ...

Daniel Lynch- The Chinese Debate on America's Decline in the 2000s

international relations at USC and is a member of the US-China Institute's Executive Committee.He's the author of two books: Rising China and Asian ... Transformations of Thailand, China, and Taiwan and After the Propaganda State: ...

Video: Weijian Shan's Life from Exile to Equity

Bank and China’s Shenzhen Development Bank, both of which made his ... and a farm laborer in China’s Gobi Desert in Inner Mongolia. Mr. Shan holds ... and Economics), where he also taught as a faculty member.       Foreword by Janet ...

US Defense Secretary Gates and PRC Defense Minister Gao, Joint Press Appearance, 2007

economic growth, China is a leader in the Asia Pacific region, ... now visiting China. Dr. Gates arrived in Beijing last evening. He ... forces of China and the United States. The Chinese government and Chinese ...

Full text of resolution on amendment to CPC Constitution October 21, 2007

for China's economic and social development and a major strategic thought ... October 21, 2007 Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1975   |  Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1978  |  Constitution ...

John Kerry, Remarks at a U.S. Visa Event, Nov. 12, 2014

Beijing, China November 12, 2014 MR. KRITENBRINK: Good afternoon, everyone. ... economic cooperation and increasing people-to-people exchanges are key elements of America’s policy toward China. As evidence of our commitment ...

Elbaum, Revolution in the Air: Sixties Radicals Turn to Lenin, Mao and Che, 2006

of communists in Cuba, Africa, Vietnam, and, especially, China. In addition ... the shifting political economic landscape of the period. The global economic ... and economic realities. Despite all these problems, Elbaum contends that the NCM ...

Video: Panel presentation on "Chinese Characters- The Profiles of Fast-Changing Lives in a Fast-Changing Land"

China's extraordinary transformations. The immense variety in the lives of these Chinese characters hints at China’s great diversity.   Chinese Characters is a collection of portraits by some of the top people working on China today. ...
