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Video: Frank Lavin discusses China's e-commerce market

of eCommerce.  The China eCommerce market is now larger than the U.S. eCommerce ... Alibaba's platforms in China.  Now smaller and new-to-market companies have ... can we draw from this consumer revolution in China and how companies can ...

Video: Peter Brack on Adventures in Media Entrepreneurship in China

into new markets and launching China-focused companies. Assessing and seizing ... operations. He subsequently co-founded and led two China-focused media companies ... and publishes two monthly magazines in China. It went public in 2005. Brack’s ...

Video: Wei Yen Discusses How Culture Can Affect Investments

combines culture with credit analysis to argue that it is unlikely that China ... Yen shows how some of these traditions also hamper China’s efforts ... China more fully into the global community and will suggest ways policy ...
