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USC And China in the News in 2020

U.S.-China Institute was interviewed about the economic ramifications ... and China are. He said, “We have a political and economic climate that has ... involving USC faculty, staff and students and China. December 30, 2020: Wall ...

US-China experts convene at USC Journalism Forum

of the USC U.S.-China Institute, a program overseen at USC Annenberg, talked ... the United States and China. The two nations, he showed, dominate global ... of business with each other. “The U.S. and China matter,” Dube said. Dube ...

Behind the headlines

November 4, 2010 by Clayton Dube USC US-China Institute ... movements and resulting economic shifts produced headlines at home and abroad. ... and the Deng-era economic reforms that began in the late 1970s. Below, though, ...

Talking Points, September 5, 2007

economic ties and efforts to develop northwestern China. Many of our fall ... a panel discussion examining Taiwan-China economic relations.   10/11/2007: ... Hill  U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission goes to Chapel ...

Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of China 1954

of America and the Republic of China The Parties to this Treaty,     ... institutions and to cooperate with each other in the development of economic ... of China, Taiwan and the Pescadores; and in respect of the United States ...

Video: Why Taiwan Matters: Small Island, Global Powerhouse

in China's economic rise,  The Tiger Leading the Dragon (USCI | YouTube).  USCI ... with China and with the United States. On September 27, 2011, Prof. Rigger spoke at the USC U.S.-China Institute on her new book Why Taiwan Matters: ...

Chen Shui-bian, “Paving the Way for a Sustainable Taiwan: Presidential Inauguration Address,” May 20, 2004

of the Republic of China. What we have come together to witness are the progressive ... The February 28 Incident and the "White Terror," of which the victims ... identifies with Taiwan or with the Republic of China, per se, a common destiny ...

Shanghai Museum Salutes Qingyun Ma

communication between China and USC, raise USC’s profile in China and lead to new ... and other parts of China,” Jackson said. “It is clear that the profile of USC in China has been enhanced as a result of this appointment.” In his address ...

Film Review: "Crocodile in the Yangtze" by Neon Tommy

economic and technological transformation are happening in China ... THE Jack Ma, China’s first internet entrepreneur and web CEO, as his company ... team fought tirelessly to build China’s first global internet company. ...

Kerr, "Russian and Chinese responses to recent crises: Dissecting contexts of political processes," 1997

and finally China's priority of economic over political reforms as compared ... Tiananmen uprising in China did not lead to the overthrow of China's politico-economic system, in contrast to the astonishing 1991 collapse of the USSR. ...
