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Joint Communiqué of the People's Republic of China and the United States of America, August 17, 1982

Communiqué of The People's Republic of China and the United States ... of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the United States ... of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China ...

PRC State Council, China's Military Strategy in 2015, May 26, 2015

China's Military Strategy The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China May 2015, Beijing   Preface I. National Security Situation II. Missions and Strategic Tasks of China's Armed Forces III. ...

USC And China In The News: May and June 2018

about China’s 40 years of economic reform. "Much like the US ... June 25, 2018 Click here for earlier media pieces on USC and China ... Kang was cited in an article about the role of China in East Asia. ...

USC and China in the News, September and October 2015

about how the economic downturn in China may result in increased ... September 1, 2015 Click here for other "USC and China ... U.S.-China Institute was interviewed about the Chinese Communist Party’s just ...

Tom Malinowski, 25 Years Later, Tiananmen Square Still Colors U.S.-China Relations, June 3, 2014

as China grows more integrated with the world, its economic, environmental ... in Tiananmen Square, ending hopes that China would join the changes sweeping ... for education. Since then, China has made progress in many ways: building a modern ...

U.S. Department of Defense, "Military Power of the People's Republic of China 2009," March 25, 2009

China’s rapid rise as a regional political and economic power with growing ... and prosperous China, and encourages China to participate responsibly in world ... much over the last 30 years to encourage and facilitate China’s national ...

Congressional Research Service, “China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues,” July 27, 2009

the national interest in reducing the role of the People’s Republic of China ... and missiles that could deliver them. Recipients of China’s technology reportedly ... discusses the security problem of China’s role in weapons proliferation ...

Congressional Research Service, “China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues,” May 26, 2009

the national interest in reducing the role of the People’s Republic of China ... and missiles that could deliver them. Recipients of China’s technology reportedly ... discusses the security problem of China’s role in weapons proliferation ...

Assignment: China- The 1980s

September 30, 2015 English | 中文 Assignment: China Homepage The mid-1980s saw a dramatic relaxation of Communist Party control over China’s economic, political, and intellectual life. It was arguably the most liberal ...

Congressional Research Service, "China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities-Background and Issues for Congress," October 1, 2010

The question of how the United States should respond to China’s military ... curious to being genuinely concerned” about China’s military programs. The question of how the United States should respond to China’s military ...
