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Chung, "Domestic politics, international bargaining, and China's territorial sovereignty disputes," 1999

territorial disputes involving the People's Republic of China. I explored ... economic priorities, historical memories, potentials for side payments, ... the sovereignty of the disputed Diaoyutai/Senkaku Islands claimed by China, Taiwan, ...

Austin and Harris, Japan and Greater China: Political Economy and Military Power in the Asian Century, 2001

political or economic impact on China, but many Chinese see it as their due ... of conflict is never unqualified. But the record of Japan-China economic ... China: Political Economy and Military Power in the Asian Century. Honolulu: ...

Japanese Government, “Twenty-One Demands,” April 26, 1915

that as regards the railway to be built by China herself from Chefoo or Lungkow ... the privilege of financing the Chefoo-Weihsien line, China will approach Japanese ... and the Chinese Government, with a view to developing their economic relations ...

Video: David Zweig Speaks On The War For Chinese Talent In The United States

China’s “over-the-top” effort to gain the help of immensely talented Chinese ... of US technology to China. He offers case studies which include stories ... scholar of China’s effort to build its talent pool. He’s researched Chinese ...

Asst. Sec. Daniel R. Russel, “Press Conference on Asian Affairs,” August 4, 2014

embarked on an effort to create a single economic community by the end ... educational exchange, economics, and so on- at the ARF, there will also ... China Sea. Secretary Kerry will have an opportunity to talk through our ...

Tucker, ed., Dangerous Strait: The U.S.-China-Taiwan Crisis, 2005

economic interactions between Taiwan and mainland China, Taiwan's ... The U.S.-China-Taiwan Crisis. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005. ISBN ... the United Nations under its own name. Mainland China has reacted by condemning ...

US Department of Defense, Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2010, August 16, 2010

Summary Over the past 30 years, China has made great progress in its pursuit of economic growth and development, which has allowed China to achieve higher living standards for the Chinese people and has increased China ...

Burt, The Cairo Conference of 1943: Roosevelt, Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek and Madame Chiang, 2011

& Co., Publishers, 2011. 207 pp. $45.00 (paper), ISBN ... and China. FDR's well-noted trait of using personal emissaries rather than ... that he sent to China in 1942. The historical context of the development ...

U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Pacific security issues: Why is China's defense spending growing?, 2005

Though China’s economic growth has kept pace with its military spending, ... a life of freedom affords -- economic freedom and political freedom ... that can impede economic progress and, in turn, can threaten democratic ...

U.S. Department of State, "2015 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report," March 18, 2015

and Hainan, along with 14 other coastal cities. As part of China’s economic ... Introduction China is a significant destination and transit country for illicit ... chemicals. According to China’s National Narcotics Control Commission 2014 ...
