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2009-2010 USCI Faculty Research Grants

如何形成对中国城市的基于问题的分类研究 Urbanization in China impacts US-China trade, global warming, and emerging socio-economic trends affecting both nations. This research planning ... the full spectrum of China's 667 cities. Several avenues for future ...

NIH awards USC $8.7 million to study tobacco use in China

use among adolescents in China and the United States. The new Pacific ... for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research. “In China, the annual ... for Disease Control in three of China’s largest cities: Chengdu, Qingdao ...

USC researchers headline China bioscience forum

last month as China’s capital city played host to an international group ... of the society to be held in China. Forced to postpone the meeting for a year due ...

Surgical Team Provides Care in Qinghai Province

Chronicle On the high wind-swept grasslands of China's Qinghai-Tibetan ... with their counterparts in Hong Kong and China. The goal will be to improve the education ... far-reaching," he said. To that end, Ko will return to China in February to help ...