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Ma, Sounding the Modern Woman: The Songstress in Chinese Cinema (May 13, 2015)

and following the transition to sound film in China. More than this, though, she ... was tied to glamorous images of a modernizing China. The intertwining ... of articulating voice and body in the first decades of sound cinema in China ...

Zhao, A Nation-State by Construction: Dynamics of Modern Chinese Nationalism, 2004

Why?" "We just bombed China." "What?!" "Turn ... thesis) and, just maybe, a future career as a historian of modern China ... in the future of Sino-American relations? Zhao, who is Director of the China ...

Burke and Pomeranz, eds., The Environment and World History, 2009

sense in a case like China, but not in other regions where early modern ... Reviews Reviews- Contemporary China Reviews- Pre-1949 China Topic:  ...

Gallicchio, The Unpredictability of the Past: Memories of the Asia-Pacific War in U.S.-East Asian Relations, 2007

and war memorials in China, America, and Japan. "Constructing a National memory of War: War Museums in China, Japan, and the United ... the intention/objectives behind the establishment of the genre war museum in China ...

Martin and Heinrich, Embodied Modernities: Corporeality, Representation, and Chinese Cultures. Chinese Cultural Studies and Anthropology Series, 2006

to block China's emergence into modernity until the 1920s. Even ... and remnants of late imperial bureaucracy could be cited to characterize China ... is the inception of China's emergence into modernity to be located ...

Yamamuro, Manchuria under Japanese Dominion, 2006

the contemporary efforts of Puyi, the exiled "Last Emperor" of China ... of the Republic of China as a dictatorship, Manzhouguo was itself organized ... China, and Korea. Moreover, in pointing out just how badly Japanese ...

U.S. Treasury Undersecretary David McCormick, “Financial Turmoil and the Global Economy,” October 22, 2008

emerging markets like China are not immune from the global financial stress. ... and China. Root Causes of the Market Turmoil How did we get to this point? ... are of particular interest to investors around the world, including here in China ...

Chinese Exclusion Act May 6, 1882

as provided by the treaty between the United States and China dated November ... or profes- sion, and place of residence in China of the person to whom ... Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Documents- Pre-1949 China Topic:  ...

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Message on the Twentieth Anniversary of Tiananmen Square, June 3, 2009

to them. A China that has made enormous progress economically, ... surrounding June 4, 1989. We urge China to cease the harassment of participants ... the Tiananmen Mothers. China can honor the memory of that day by moving to give ...

Chandler, Establishing a Pure Land on Earth: The Foguang Buddhist Perspective on Modernization and Globalization, 2004.

Welch's work on Buddhism in China in the first half of the twentieth century ... Reviews- China and the World Reviews- Contemporary China Topic:  Culture ...
