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Duke in China

November 13, 2017 Duke in China was inaugurated in 1982 and is one of the longest-running credit-granting programs in China administered by an American ... of the top universities in China according to the Ministry of Education, UIBE ...

Wuhan, China, Seeks Help for Anti-Smoking Campaign

1998 in USC Chronicle When the government of Wuhan, China, was looking ... a collaborative study on smoking prevention in central China. The project will address the biggest public health problem today in China, according to C. ...

Li Hongbin, "China`s Educational Inequality: Evidence from College Entrance Exams and Admissions"

March 21, 2011 Li Hongbin teaches  of economics and is also executive associate director of the China Data Center. He received ... for Distinguished Young Scientists in China in 2010. Li’s research is concerned ...

Why China Has No New Middle Class: Captains of Industry, Cadres and Professionals

Goodman is Professor of Contemporary China Studies at the University ... Economic reform in the People’s Republic of China [PRC] since 1980 has seen ...

Li, "Advertising and consumption in post-Mao China: Between the local and the global," 2006

rapidly over the past two decades in China. Advertising not only reflects ... advertising in some sense embodies China's modernization project. Examining advertising in China provides insight into larger issues about China ...

Chuang, "The petty private economy in China: Capitalism within a socialist system," 1989

This dissertation reviews the socialist transformation and development in China ... Communist Party sought not only to rid the People's Republic of China ... economic reform and achieve a total socialist transformation of China ...

USC and China in the News, January and February 2015

January 12, 2015 Click here for other "USC and China ... U.S.-China Institute was interviewed about the pressures many young people in China feel when they return home to familial queries about when ...

Diabetes in the U.S. and China

and economies. Both the U.S. and China have higher rates of diabetes than the global ... in the U.S. and China (PDF) Section:  Newsletter Topic:  Health Custom ...

Video: Author Cheng Li Looks at the Diversity of Present Day China

the United States and China now appear to be locked on a collision course ... of the expansive dynamism and diversity in present-day China. The caricature ... this book addresses the possibility that the development of China’s class ...

USC Conference Examines China’s Influence

appeared at the conference. China’s booming economy exerts such a strong ... Affairs in the USC Marshall School of Business, said that China’s economic ... of China and its rapid entry into the world economy dominated the 40 ...
