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Ambassador J. Stapleton Roy speaks on "The Future of U.S.-China Relations"

for development. Environmental impact of rapid growth is destroying China’s eco environment ... with.   The international environment is also becoming more trouble from ... on the military. From an intellectual standpoint, this is a university environment ...

Survey reports Chinese are positive about the present and optimistic about the future

that protecting the environment must be a priority, even if it requires slower ...

Making American Policy Toward China-- scholars and policy makers on economics, security, and climate change

on Environment and Development's Task Force on Environmental Governance. [Dan ...

USC and China in the News, May and June 2009.

engage the physical as well as the social environment in their designs. May ...

The Future of Political, Economic and Security Relations with China, 2007

security and protecting the environment;     3) Stemming the proliferation ...

The Effects and Consequences of an Emerging China, 2003

the environment. Successfully dealing with all of these problems will not be easy. ...

U.S. Treasury Sec. Paulson, “China and the Global Economy,” October 21, 2008

major achievements is the Ten Year Energy and Environment Cooperation ...

Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. Remarks on China and the Global Economy to the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations October 21, 2008

major achievements is the Ten Year Energy and Environment Cooperation ...

Robert Hormats, Addressing the Challenges of the China Model, May 11, 2011

the environment in which public and private entities compete, equalizing conditions ...

U.S. Department of State, 2011 Human Rights in China, May 24, 2012

environment remained a concern. As in prior years, authorities intensified ...
