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2009-2010 USCI Faculty Research Grants

marketplace. Section:  News Faculty Topic:  Culture Economics Environment Health ...

Video: Wealth and Power: China’s Long March to the Twenty-First Century

Council. Thumbnail:  Section:  News Topic:  Economics Environment Human ...

Todd Stern, Remarks on the U.S. Delegation's June 7-10 Trip to China to Discuss Climate and Energy Issues, June 12, 2009

Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Environment Politics Tags:  Climate ...

Congressional Research Service Reports

Environment Human rights Politics Science and Technology Security Tags:  ...

Congressional Research Service, “Rare Earth Elements in National Defense: Background, Oversight Issues, and Options for Congress,” Sept. 5, 2012

Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Environment Tags:  trade ...

Shaprio, China's Environmental Challenge, 2012.

978-0-7456-6091-2. Reviewed by Micah S. Muscolino Published on H-Environment ... China's Environment On August 3, 2013, New York Times Beijing correspondent ... that come with living and raising children in the polluted environment ...

PRC State Council, Nuclear Safety in China, September 2019

to ensuring energy security, protecting the environment, improving people's ... international environment, and solve the problems of nuclear terrorism ... and the radiation environment is exercised independently, and a three-pronged ...

The Future of U.S. – China Relations

Economic Environment  Watch videos of this panel's presentations ... and Environment Chair: Eric J. Heikkila, University of Southern California Speakers: ...

Watch presentations from "China: Finding Solutions," A USCI Conference

  ENVIRONMENT AND FOOD  (click here to watch videos of the panel presentations) ... An-min Wu, University of Southern California   DATA, ENVIRONMENT ... of the Environment. She has provided expert testimony to the US-China Economic Security ...

Xi Jinping, World Economic Forum, January 17, 2017

the environment while pursuing economic and social progress so as to achieve harmony ...   — China will foster an enabling and orderly environment for investment. We ... foster an external environment of opening-up for common development. We ...
