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CET Beijing Janterm Chinese Studies Program

semester in Greater China.More information on the program can be found here.  ... Chinese the boost it needs to continue on to a spring semester in China ... all over China. But don’t forget to try some of Beijing’s specialty ...

Mountain of Fame-- Chinese history through biography

These words were written by China's greatest historian, Sima Qian, in 91 ... of China's past, Sima Qian's book has shaped the way historians write and think about China, Japan and Korea down to the present day. The story ...

SC / Sino Cinema

of Cinema & Television at the Communication University of China (CUC) who ... students, but everyone in China.” One of Guan’s objectives is to also prepare CUC students for China’s burgeoning cinematic arts market. ...

The Chinese School at Middlebury College Summer Program

on financial need, as determined by Student Financial Services. Some facts ...

John Hay to Andrew White, "First 'Open Door' Note, Sept. 6, 1899

by that of Germany that it had leased from His Majesty the Emperor of China the port ... insured by treaties with China to citizens of the United States would ... in China the undoubted benefits which should accrue from a formal recognition ...

Xiaonei: Just Another Networking Brigade

July 10, 2007 By Yao Xu ON AN AVERAGE DAY IN CHINA, 2,000 new users ... 96.2% of these internet users are from China. Xiaonei continues to attract ... audience is in China while Facebook attracts users from not only United ...

Luke Mohr- USA Pavilion Student Ambassador

for some cheap T-shirts because I only brought two with me to China. Did ... in Shanghai, China. It was a long trip but it was nice to finally ... not in China anymore. We were in some kind of secluded ‘island’ and the bustling ...

Year of the Ox [2009] Marked by Many Nations

on February 13, 2010. China (these are the ox stamps from 1985 and 1997, ...

Bonny Chan receives Fulbright to study schizophrenia in Taiwan

in China was announced earlier. Thumbnail:  Featured Image:  Section:  News ...

Documenting the Global City Project, Beijing 2009-- "Children of the Sun" 太阳的孩

December 19, 2009 USC film student Justin Feldman combined with Communication University of China student Xiao Beidi to produce this film. It focuses on a village and school set up to provide for the children ...
