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Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Mnuchin, and Secretary Ross, Briefing on President Trump's Meetings with President Xi of China, April 7, 2017

Section:  Documents- US-China Topic:  Politics Economics Tags:  public ... concerns about the impact of China’s industrial, agricultural, technology, ... the need for China to take concrete steps to level the playing field ...

Watch presentations from "China: Finding Solutions," A USCI Conference

in Mongolia, China, Philippines and Ukraine, where he worked as economic ... of the Environment. She has provided expert testimony to the US-China Economic Security ... Jiang has long been engaged in research on China's senior living ...

Marolt, "Blogging in China: Individual agency, the production of cyburban 'Spaces of Dissent' in Beijing, and societal transformation in China," 2008

The research is multi-theoretical and multi-methodological. It follows a grounded ... cyburban) institutions. In contemporary China, political agency ... Research by faculty Faculty ...

How China’s ‘leftover women’ are using their financial power to fight the stigma of being single

the economic reform of the 1980s, women in China appear to be increasingly ... on the rise of singlehood and its economic muscle. China’s “ Singles’ Day ”, ... 15, 2021. Written by  Robert Kozinets  and  Chih-Ling Liu. In China ...

What China’s Belt And Road Initiative Means For Cambodia

or economic superpower position they once boasted. In a US-dominated age, China ... Featured Image:  Section:  US-China Today Topic:  Economics Custom ... July 21, 2020 Originally published by US-China Today on July 21, ...

Hu Jintao, 17th Party Congress Report, 2007.

for China's economic and social development and a major strategic thought ... and challenges arising from China's full involvement in economic ... economic restructuring and make greater efforts to improve China ...

Edward Friedman, University of Wisconsin-Madison

testified at the US – China Economic and Security Review Commission “Hearing on the U.S.-China Relationship: Economics and Security in Perspective” Feb 1-2, 2007. ... of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin. His teaching and research ...

PRC State Council, China’s Nuclear Emergency Preparedness, January 27, 2016

by China Customs are developed by domestic enterprises. Research in nuclear ... been developed by China's military medical research organizations. ... as safeguarding national security. China has consistently given top priority ...

Joseph Biden, Executive Order on Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Certain Companies of the People’s Republic of China, June 3, 2021

  Section:  Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Science and Technology ... the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), ... by the military-industrial complex of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and its involvement ...

China's Cat Craze: How Felines are Leaving Their Paw Prints on China’s Economy

May 1, 2018 Originally published by US-China Today on May 1, 2018. ... stardom is just one example of the rising popularity of cats across China ... as “big news in China,” boosted by the recent popularity of “cloud cats”: ...
