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Gabriel, Genghis Khan's Greatest General: Subotai the Valiant, 2006

activities in China' or the famous conquest of the Rus' ... and how he came into service of Chinggis Khan, (historically ... Khan's invasion of the Jin Empire in northern China to the invasion ...

Wakabayashi, ed. The Nanking Atrocity, 1937-38- Complicating the Picture, 2007

issues between Japan on the one side and South Korea, Russia and China ... in ultraconservative circles in Japan also continue to strain relations with China ... research, but also as a result of activities promoted by a variety ...

Sasaki, The Origins of the Lost Fleet of the Mongol Empire, 2014

pathbreaking work, researcher Randall J. Sasaki has dug through hundreds ... the aim of my research was to identify the origins and types of vessels used ... is required," he observes (p. 145). Section:  Reviews- Pre-1949 China Topic:  ...

Ishikawa, The Formation of the Chinese Communist Party, 2013

in China arose because that grant continued imperialist rule in a part of China. Many Chinese felt Shandong should be returned to their control since China as well as Japan had supported the Allied side in World War I. ...

Gallicchio, The Unpredictability of the Past: Memories of the Asia-Pacific War in U.S.-East Asian Relations, 2007

on that level based on social, political, and economic circumstances, and on how ... and war memorials in China, America, and Japan. "Constructing a National memory of War: War Museums in China, Japan, and the United ...

To, China and the South Sea Dialogues, 1999

January 1, 1999 Lee Lai To. China and the South Sea Dialogues. ... (January, 2000) Lee Lai To's China and the South China Sea Dialogues is a very useful book for those interested in China's policies toward ...

Roy, Return of the Dragon: Rising China and Regional Security (July 2, 2013)

June 10, 2014 Denny Roy.  Return of the Dragon: Rising China ... of the Dragon: Rising China and Regional Security represents a timely contribution to a growing debate among both scholars and policymakers regarding China ...

Swanson, A Plain Sailorman in China: The Life and Times of Cdr. I. V. Gillis, USN, 1875-1948, 2012.

Norton Tomasko.  A Plain Sailorman in China: The Life and Times of Cdr. I. ... Commissioned by Margaret Sankey A Plain Sailorman in China is a biography ... involved with the affairs of Japan and China. This position, and a similar ...

Dreyer, China at War, 1901-1949, 1995.

January 1, 1994 Edward L. Dreyer. China at War, 1901-1949. London ... and warfare in China in the first half of the twentieth century. ... of Chinese history. Within the half century covered by this study, China ...

Lorge, The Asian Military Revolution: From Gunpowder to the Bomb, 2008

the invention and early use of gunpowder in China and shows that the Chinese also ... was a pioneer in this kind of warfare. Perhaps one could call China under the Ming the first "gunpowder empire“. But the firm control of China by the Ming ...
