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Beijing 2009: USC and Communication University of China students document the global city

School of Cinematic Arts and the Communication University of China ... possible.The USC US-China Institute has also provided financial support ...

报导中国(美国记者关于中国):矛盾的中国 (Assignment: China- Contradictions 中文字幕版)

May 3, 2018 English  | 中文 报导中国(美国记者关于中国) 主页 本集《解析中国之旅》探讨了2008年北京奥运会之后中国故事的内核。外国记者与越来越强硬的中国政府发生冲突,政府认为塑造中国国际形象的应该是自己,而不是外国记者。 2008年北京奥运会之后,中国国内的政治气候及其外部行为开始发生变化。 2008年到2009年撼动西方的金融危机让中国领导人相信,美国已经开始衰落,是时候向整个世界展现更为强硬的中国。 与此同时,因申办北京奥运而承诺的自由话语环境让位于加紧管制。部分原因包括新 ...

报导中国(美国记者关于中国):跟随金钱的走向 (Assignment: China- Follow The Money 中文字幕版)

May 3, 2018 English  | 中文 报导中国(美国记者关于中国) 主页 《解析中国之旅》的最后一集《跟随金钱的走向》聚焦2012年新闻记者对中国新一代富豪进行突破性调查的幕后故事,以及这些调查背后意想不到并充满争议的可怕后果。 西方新闻报道中国已经数十年,而2012年是一个分水岭。在短短几个月的时间里,由记者迈克尔·福赛斯(Michael Forsythe)组织的彭博社新闻团队全面揭露了中国的最新领导人习近平的亲戚如何在各种变相商业交易中获得巨额财富。不久之后,《纽约时报》的David B ...

Steven Spielberg to Hu Jintao on Darfur, April 2007

of China Zhongnanhai, Xichengqu, Beijing City People’s Republic of China ... to be held in China also promise to be a fitting symbol of the important role ... are doing that now in many countries aroundthe world, and I hope that China ...

Q&A with Fu Hongxing, Director of "Mr. Deng Goes to Washington"

to the United States in 1979, only a month after China established diplomatic ... of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The film retraces his pivotal visit that shifted China’s diplomacy. Click here to view the event page.   This video ...

Talking Points: Morley Safer brought the Cultural Revolution into American living rooms

  Talking Points Morley Safer's Red China Diary May 24, 2016   May 16 marked fiftieth anniversary of the start of China's Cultural ... reporting from China. The first U.S. television network reporter to bring ...

Global Exchange Program

Television at the Communication University of China in Beijing. Each summer, ... of China 中国传媒大学 Custom Thumbnail:  ...

Beijing International Film Festival attracts USC faculty

Associate Professor of Practice Jason E. Squire just returned from China ... of China and also by the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality. The China Film Association and the China National Film Museum served as summit ...

Video: Q&A with Americaville Director Adam James Smith

Liu escapes China’s increasingly uninhabitable capital city to pursue ... China and include  The Land of Many Palaces  (2015) on the “ghost city” ... U.S.-China Institute,  USC East Asian Studies Center, and ...

Global Exchange Program 2016: The Lost Tribe

and settled in Kaifeng, the former capital of China. Today, the tale ... Revolution, when being Jewish became illegal in China. As she fights persecution ... Mengdi, a Chinese graduate student at the Communication of University China ...
