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2008-2009 USCI Graduate Summer Fieldwork Grants

on state-society relations and how China's economic advance has strengthened its ... by a generous gift from the Eleven Twenty Seven Foundation and the USA China Law ... of History "New England Merchants, the China Trade, and the O rigins ...

Cultural touchstones in China

by opening fire, killing hundreds. For Fan, who was born in China and raised ... Kong is technically under a different law from mainland China, the event ... disaffection with rule by China. The experience also embodied part ...

How immigrants give American companies a powerful boost against Chinese rivals

visible front in America’s struggle with China for  global influence. Oddly, ... countries, China has emerged as an increasingly assertive player. With its  Belt and Road Initiative, China is using investment as  a tool to extend ...

Talking Points, January 6-20, 2020

service Rittenberg was already an activist who fought social and economic ... possible 2020. The USC U.S.-China Institute has launched a podcast, China Life, and we invite you to give it a listen. In China Life, we hear from ...

Incoming Annenberg Dean Speaks on China-Africa Relations

May 8, 2007 For other articles and documents on China ... School of Communication, argues against a simplistic assessment of China ’s ... entitled “Rethinking Africa's China Factor: Identifying Players, ...

USC and China in the News, July and August 2015

economy, China’s progress on economic reforms, and stock market volatility. ... Clayton Dube  was interviewed about the significance of China’s economic ... for the bulk of economic growth worldwide for the last several years, so if China ...

In memoriam: Gin Wong, USC trustee and prominent architect, 94

Sterling service record Born in Guangzhou, China, Wong was educated ... Korea; a state-of-the-art university research library for Inha University in Incheon, South Korea; a major corporate facility in Xiamen, China ...

Chinese American Film Festival 2012- Jason E. Squire

selected five films that provided popular in China. At USC five AICCC ... solid, in-depth research and art works with Chinese characteristics ... research on business aspects of entertainment helped establish “movie ...

Chinese American Film Festival 2012- Huang Shixian

selected five films that provided popular in China. At USC five AICCC ... solid, in-depth research and art works with Chinese characteristics ... Studies(since 1989), and a board member of the Film Critics Association of China ...

The Impact of the Olympics: Baizhu Chen

of the USC U.S.-China Institute executive committee. Chen has published many ... currency markets, China’s financial markets, and monetary policy. His current research projects include these topics and Chinese savings patterns.   Click ...
