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Explore the USCI documents collection

May 13, 2013 The USC U.S.-China Institute documents collection ... assessment of China’s military aims and capabilities, China ... and the official U.S. government review of human rights in China and the official ...

Talking Points, August 19- September 2, 2009

and internet links for hundreds of millions of people in Taiwan, China ... countries have pledged or sent help. China-based Shenzhen Airlines donated ... ” in Beijing. The exhibition features design ideas from China’s top firms ...

President Clinton Press Conference on Human Rights in China, 1994

this issue? Why did anyone believe human rights should be tied to MFN in China ... working on this China issue all day. I'm just telling you what I know-- ... toward China. Our relationship with China is important to all Americans. We ...

U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on U.S.-China economic ties, October 23, 2007

with which China manages these safety issues will have long term implications ... China-U.S. Relations Conference. This room is filled with the very best of China expertise and experience from both sides of the Pacific.  I applaud ...

'Resource Diplomacy' Under Hegemony: The Roots of Sino-American Conflict in the 21st Century

U.S. – China Institute’s Board of Scholars. Dr. Zweig is associate dean ... of Science and Technology, where he also directs the Center on China ... Internationalizing China: Domestic Interests and Global Linkages (2002) and is editor ...

John D. Negroponte on U.S.-China Relations, 2007

the lead on China issues in the East Asia and Pacific Bureau and who's ... and it was a theme of my remarks and on all of these issues I think that China ... York City October 24, 2007 Remarks at National Committee on U.S.-China ...

Vogt, Europe and China: Strategic Partners or Rivals?

January 1, 2012 Roland Vogt, ed.   Europe and China: Strategic ... Offenbach China's development over the last three decades has created ... to exhausting our supply of adjectives! China's rise is frequently described ...

2009 Human Rights Report: Burma March 11, 2010

of the seats in a general parliamentary election, but the regime continued ... is convened, scheduled to take place following national elections in 2010. ... the verdict, Senior General Than Shwe issued an executive order commuting ...

PRC State Council, Human Rights Record of the United States in 2009, March 12, 2010

March 12, 2010   U.S. reports on human rights in China 2017  |  2016 ... situation in more than 190 countries and regions including China, but turn ... 100,000 people (The China Press, December 30, 2009). The murder rate rose ...

Svensson, Debating Human Rights in China: A Conceptual and Political History, 2002

January 1, 2002 Marina Svensson. Debating Human Rights in China ... is that it is not a history of human rights in modern China. Nor does it go into much detail ... also is largely silent about foreign criticism of China's human ...
