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The Administration's Perspective on China's Record on Nonproliferation, 2006

with China about these important issues. Resolution of these ongoing ... for Verification, Compliance, and Implementation Testimony Before the U.S.- China ... the Administration’s perspective on China’s record on nonproliferation. I would like ...

Wang Yi, The Right Direction in China-US Relations, July 9, 2020

the Right Direction For China-US Relations Remarks by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi At the China-US Think Tanks Media Forum Beijing, ... to the people from all sectors who have long been committed to China-US relations. ...

Talking Points, August 19-31, 2011

met today with Xi Jinping (习近平) China’s Vice President, and other ... their meeting, Xi said, " China and the United States have ever-more extensive ... the United States and China.” Foreign reporters didn’t get to hear all ...

Yang Jiechi, "Remarks on U.S.-China Relations," March 7, 2012

a historic visit to China, during which our two countries issued ... countries have maintained close coordination on international issues. China ... on China-US relations hosted by the United States Institute of Peace, ...

Paul, ed., The China-India Rivalry in the Globalization Era, 2018

T. V. Paul, ed.  The China-India Rivalry in the Globalization Era.  ... between India and China immediately raises questions about the appropriateness ... that Pakistan dominates the mind more than China as a rival. The point, however, ...

U.S.-China Relations: 15th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Crackdown, 2004

Executive Commission on China Washington, DC June 3, 2004 Mr. Chairman, thank ... a long shadow in China today. You see it in the continuing scrutiny ... Ambassador to China Jim Lilley wrote in his recent book China Hands, quoting ...

PRC State Council, “Diaoyu Dao 钓鱼岛, an Inherent Territory of China,” September 25, 2012

's position on the issue of Diaoyu Dao is clear-cut and consistent. China ... September 25, 2012 Diaoyu Dao, an Inherent Territory of China ... of China Contents Foreword I. Diaoyu Dao is China's Inherent Territory ...

U.S. State Department, “The United States and China To Extend Visas for Short-term Business Travelers, Tourists, and Students,” Nov. 10, 2014

nationals accounted for 16 percent of all types of U.S. visas issued in China ... of China will reciprocally increase the validity of short-term business and tourist visas and student and exchange visas issued to each other’s ...

2007 Report to Congress On China’s WTO Compliance

agreement. On other pressing trade issues, the United States and China continue ... on the applications of foreign banks incorporated in China seeking to issue their own ... elevated this issue to the JCCT level, China finally adopted a single ...

History and China's Foreign Relations: The Achievements and Contradictions of American Scholarship

acknowledged that some of these issues have been resolved, such as China ... contemporary China? This was the question leading historians, political ... U.S.-China Institute symposium entitled "History and China's Foreign ...
