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Getting to Beijing: Henry Kissinger's Secret 1971 Trip

benefit from engaging China. He felt this was intrinsicly important because of China's size and inevitable importance. Nixon also saw China as a useful ... to signal China's leaders that he was willing to talk. The Americans sent ...

2009 Human Rights Report: India March 11, 2010

in which the states enjoy a high degree of autonomy, especially on issues ... general elections, which were considered free and fair, despite scattered ... and separatist Kashmiri groups regularly issued press releases. Due to the threat ...

Johnston and Ross, Engaging China: the Management of an Emerging Power, 1999

Chinese population issue. China highly values and utilizes Malaysia's ... This is the core point in the US "engaging China" issue ... China on behalf of the US, especially on the issue of Japan's former ...

Pangolins And A Pandemic: The Evolving Chinese Wildlife Trade

the illegal ivory trade in China in the late 2000s. And the issue has recently ... August 18, 2021 Originally published on US-China Today on August 18, ... That reality? China’s incredibly lucrative wildlife trafficking industry. What, ...

Congressional Research Service, "How Large is China’s Economy? Does it Matter?" February 13, 2008

February 13, 2008 Summary: China’s rapid economic growth since 1979 ... many analysts have contended that China could soon overtake the United States to become the world’s largest economy, based on estimates of China ...

East Asian Languages & Cultures Department (EALC)

communication in China, Japan, and Korea, but also able to acquire a better ... Asia as a cultural unit. Students may also elect to complete up to one ...

Congressional Research Service, Covid-19 and China: A Chronology of Events, May 13, 2020

and resolutions have been introduced related to China’s handling of a novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, that expanded to become the coronavirus ... The timeline documents the subsequent responses in China, at the World Health ...

Jimmy Carter, “Establishing Diplomatic Relations with China,” Dec. 15, 1978

Communiqué which is being simultaneously issued in Peking at this very moment by the leaders of the People's Republic of China: JOINT COMMUNIQUÉ ... AND THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA JANUARY 1, 1979 The United States of America ...

Congressional Research Service, "China Naval Modernization-- Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities," updated August 5, 2014

to various policy issues, both in the Pacific and elsewhere. China’s naval ... in China’s near-seas region over Taiwan or some other issue, or failing that, ... China is building a modern and regionally powerful Navy with a modest ...

Congressional Research Service, "China Naval Modernization-- Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities," updated February 28, 2014

to various policy issues, both in the Pacific and elsewhere. China’s naval ... in China’s near-seas region over Taiwan or some other issue, or failing that, ... China is building a modern and regionally powerful Navy with a modest ...
