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Ambassadors Jeffrey Bader and Zhang Ping Discuss the state of U.S.-China relations

Ping and Jeffrey Bader discussed the state of U.S.-China ties. Topics covered included how the U.S. and China managed to move forward from ... blamed the downturn in U.S.-China relations on forces within the U.S. ...

Administration waffling on trade

included a pledge to reduce America’s trade deficit with China. He said earlier administrations let China pursue unfair industrial and trade policies. Trump insisted he would not “ allow China to rape our country.” ...

Congressional Research Service, China's One Belt, One Road Initiative, January 22, 2021

crs-2021-china's-one-belt-one-road-initiative-economic-issues.pdf Section:  Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Economics Tags:  ... at the link below. President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China (PRC or China) in 2013 launched an ambi tious and multifacete d foreign economic ...

Asia’s Reckoning: China, Japan, and the Fate of US Power in the Pacific Century

November 29, 2017 Asia’s Reckoning: China, Japan and the Fate of US Power in the Pacific  Century China’s rise to power has been accompanied ... the potential to reverberate across the world today since China and Japan ...

How the Coronavirus Is Exposing Failed Leadership

the crisis. A comparison between China and the United States shows how ... be less visible under normal circumstances. China’s Governance System Some scholars describe China’s governing system as a form of “administrative ...

Why Conventional Economic Wisdom on China is Wrong

September 13, 2017 Drawing on his recent book, Cracking the China ... in mainstream understanding of China’s economy. These include understanding China’s debt, rapid growth, corruption, trade, and investment tensions ...

State Manufacturing Construction Strategy Commission, Made in China 2025 中国制造2025, Oct. 2015

in China 2025 Chinese government Chinese language site 中国制造2025 Premier Li Keqiang's campaign on Made in China 2025 U.S. Congressional Research Service report on "Made in China 2025: Issues for Congress" Foreign ...

Remarks at Press Availability, Secretary Clinton July 23, 2010

is that what is your comments about how the South China Sea or East Sea issue ... for credible elections including releasing all political prisoners, especially ... forth my government’s position on an issue that implicates the security ...

U.S. Department of State, 2010 Human Rights in Taiwan April 8, 2011

is governed by a president and parliament chosen in multiparty elections. International observers considered the January 2008 legislative elections and the March 2008 presidential election, which Ma Ying-jeou of the Kuomintang ...

2009 Human Rights Report: Singapore March 11, 2010

parties exist, and the 2006 parliamentary elections were generally fair ... available, the government issued 64 detention orders and six police supervision ... to infringe on these rights. Normally the police must have a warrant issued ...
