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Davis, Imperial Bandits- Outlaws and Rebels in the China-Vietnam Borderlands, 2017

and Rebels in the China-Vietnam Borderlands.  Seattle  University of Washington ... Davis's book, Imperial Bandits: Outlaws and Rebels in the China ... interested in issues of insurgency, informal political power, and violence. ...

Unraveling the Success of e-commerce in China: an Empirical Study of Alibaba

of Internet access, on-line shopping and e-commerce in China has witnessed ... known as China’s eBay, experienced a fast growth since its founding ... and the first Small Business Credit Rating System in China to facilitate trade ...

Q&A With Dr. Fang Gang On Combating Domestic Violence Abuse China

US-China Today spoke with Fang Gang on the implications of the passage of 2016 domestic violence law in China from a psychological perspective. ... introduced White Ribbon China in 2011. Domestic violence abuse is rampant ...

Voices: China's Military Parade

is also a vital issue. I understand we are so proud of China and the parade, ... at the US-China Today website. Following several months of preparation and much pointed discussion, China wowed audiences with a parade showing off its ...

China's High-Tech Surge- Investing in America and Innovation

for the ongoing debate, often ideological and acrimonious, over U.S-China high tech ... of recommendations to policymakers and business leaders in both the U.S. and China ... specializing in Political and Arms Control issues, and was Deputy Political ...

Shaprio, China's Environmental Challenge, 2012.

January 1, 2012 Judith Shapiro.  China's Environmental ... China's Environment On August 3, 2013, New York Times Beijing correspondent ... of today's China. Residents of Chinese cities question the safety of the air ...

Wasserstrom, China in the 21st Century: What Everyone Needs to Know, 2010

with permission...... Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom. China in the 21st Century: What Everyone ... of Confucian learning in modern China all within fifteen pages, readers who ... China with the United States, India, Japan, and other countries. He also ...

Kokas, Hollywood Made in China, 2017

January 31, 2017 Aynne Kokas.  Hollywood Made in China.  Berkeley  ... research, and interviews done in China and the United States, Hollywood Made in China offers a close look at China's growing presence in global media ...

Talking Points, February 8-20, 2013 Happy Year of the Snake!

issued in China, the United States, and by many other countries and regions ... of the Snake 蛇年. Last year, several governments issued lunar new year stamps ... the U.S. and China. Our complete collection of stamps from more than thirty ...

2009-2010 USCI Events

examines China’s rule of law development, the issues that the two countries ... Schedule. September 10, 2009 China's Population Challenges 中国人口问题 Barbara ... of the aging population in China. Dr. Barbara Pillsbury is a cultural and medical ...
