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A Dance of Their Own: Modern Dance in China

century. They are addressing their issues at this moment in China.”   Modern ... February 28, 2017 Originally published by US-China Today on February ... would feel the art form had truly arrived in China. In 2013, he celebrated ...

Wang, Shaping the Lotus Sutra: Buddhist Visual Culture in Medieval China, 2005

Visual Culture in Medieval China. Seattle and London: University ... Interpreting Buddhist Visual Culture in Medieval China In Shaping the Lotus ... in the "worlds" envisioned by transformation tableaux, and the issues and problems ...

Brauen, The Dalai Lamas- A Visual History, 2005

edited by Matthew Kapstein, to have been published as a special issue ... Book Reviews Reviews- Contemporary China Reviews- Pre-1949 China Topic:  ...

Call for Papers- Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies

by the Overseas Education College of Xiamen University in China. It publishes ... for submission of papers for the 2nd through 4th issues of the second volume. All ... two free hard copies as well as a softcopy of the issue including ...

Weekend Workshops

U.S.-China Institute offers weekend workshops at USC focused on specific themes ... in issues such as how history is presented in popular media and what has ... to the University of Southern California) to the USC U.S.-China Institute ...

USC Pacific Asia Museum reopens with surprising Mexico-China exhibit

when China had closed its borders to the Western world and when art ... Fusang: Mexico and China in the Twentieth Century. The exhibit is part ... comprehensive on the subject. He traveled to Mexico and China to interview ...

Baas, Smile of the Buddha: Eastern Philosophy and Western Art from Monet to Today, 2005.

by the male-female sexual transformations of Guanyin in China (pp. 90-91). As well, he ... Reviews Reviews- China and the World Reviews- Contemporary China Reviews- Pre-1949 China Topic:  Culture Tags:  Religion Buddhism Art Custom ...

Gary Locke, "Address at the Shenzhen International Cultural Industries Fair," 2008

of China Thank you very much for the honor of being here for the Shenzhen ... a fleeting look at world history to be reminded of China’s rich culture and our ... gracefully on silk captures the language, lives and landscapes of China ...

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Chinese People But Were Afraid to Ask

China. Kayser uses soliloquy to get the characters to open up. “If you’re not in China, you wouldn’t get the chance to talk to a stay-at-home mom. I wanted to show the side of life in China with real factors.” The monologues ...

Expert in Chinese art set to lead USC Pacific Asia Museum

York. Yu was born and raised in China, went to Wellesley College for her ... and calligraphy, China’s contacts with border lands and contemporary Asian art. Her ... Studies Institute, the USC U.S.-China Institute and the USC Shinso Ito ...
