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Assignment: China - USCI's series on American reporting on China

Photo by Jim Laurie.
May 31, 2014

How do we know what we know about China? The images most Americans hold of China were shaped by news coverage. Our multipart documentary series Assignment: China focuses on the journalists who have described the remarkable changes in China since the 1940s. Two of the most influential moments in this history were the Nixon visit in 1972 and the Tiananmen demonstrations of 1989. The correspondents interviewed for the series have helped news consumers understand how China's opening up and subsequent economic rise have reshaped the world. 

Assignment: China - Tiananmen Square

May 31, 2014

Brought by broadcast and print journalists into American homes, the images and ideas of the 1989 Beijing demonstrations and their violent suppression had tremendous impact on perceptions of China.

Release of the Commission Report - Building U.S.-China Trust

May 30, 2014

The U.S.-China Bi-National Commission on Trust-Building and Enhancing Relations released its report on fostering deeper U.S.-China understanding and improved ties through next generation programs, bringing in a greater variety of people and utilizing new technological platforms.

Taiwan opposition voices on cross-strait services agreement and more

May 20, 2014

Lin Fei-fan, one of the Sunflower Movement leaders, and Joseph Wu, member of the Democratic Progressive Party and a former chief representative of Taiwan to the United States, recorded videos for the symposium.

Video: Screenings of Tiananmen Square

May 13, 2014

A series of discussions of what happened in 1989.

China's High-Tech Surge - Investing in America and Innovation

May 5, 2014

Asia Society's conference on Chinese high technology investment in the United States.

Taiwan Pres. Ma Ying-jeou on Cross-Strait and US Ties, Followed by Los Angeles Discussion

May 1, 2014

Via video, Ma spoke to CSIS and other centers. His presentation and discussion was followed by analysis and commentary from Los Angeles and Taipei.

Bruce Linghu discusses

May 1, 2014

Ambassador Bruce Linghu, Director General of TECO-LA, discusses points raised by President Ma Ying-jeou during his video conference speech on April 9, 2014.

Patrick James

May 1, 2014

Patrick James, Director of the USC Center for International Studies, discusses points raised by President Ma Ying-jeou during his video conference speech on April 9, 2014.

Stanley Rosen

May 1, 2014

Stanley Rosen, Professor of Political Science at USC, discusses points raised by President Ma Ying-jeou during his video conference speech on April 9, 2014.
