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Colors and Chinese Culture

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Anonymous (not verified)
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Colors and Chinese Culture

Attachment 4 and 5 are two video clips I found on Youtube. I cannot upload them because the size is too big. The following are the URL of the two video clips:

Attachment 4

Attachment 5

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Message from jamaddox

Great lesson; I especially enjoyed the included graphic on the meanings of colors that was put together by the global marketing company Illuminant. I found this very interesting for myself and I passed it along to our art department. I had not devoted any thought to what colors symbolized outside of the kind of Euro-centric tradition that I have been exposed to all my life. This lesson while fascinating in and of itself also lets me know how much I have been influenced by Euro-centrism and need to combat it in my own teaching so as not to pass it on to the detriment of my students.