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Past Events: public talk

August 31, 2017 - 7:00pm
Boulder, Colorado

Charles Ramble (Oxford Univerity and the Sorbonne) will visit CU Boulder to deliver a lecture on "Tibetan Sacred Landscape: Its Magical Creatures and Where to Find Them."

August 31, 2017 - 4:00pm
Los Angeles, California

USC US-China Institute director Clay Dube will ask Julie Makinen of the L.A. Times, Jonathan Karp of the Asia Society, and May Lee of CCTV what it takes to report on complex and ever-changing China. 

August 30, 2017 - 4:00pm
Los Angeles, California

The USC U.S.-China Institute presents a talk by Douglas Fuller from Zhejiang University. Fuller's new book, "Paper Tigers, Hidden Dragons," provides an in-depth longitudinal study of China's information technology industry and policy over the last 15 years. 

August 12, 2017 - 2:00pm
Eugene, Oregon

Lecture by Maoqing Chen, University of Oregon Confucius Institute

August 3, 2017 - 12:30pm
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Yan Yang, curatorial assistant for the collection in the Division of Asian and Mediterranean Art, will give this gallery talk. 

July 27, 2017 - 7:00pm
Yorba Linda, California

Dr. Henry Kissinger said that President Nixon "created a set of international policies whose main outlines survive to this day." One of the most important is triangulation; by improving relations with China, the U.S. carved out favorable negotiating positions with the Soviet Union --- while improving relations with both countries.

July 27, 2017 - 10:00am
Washington, DC, District of Columbia

This event will assess the current dispute and place it in the broader context of India-China border tensions and bilateral relations, while also considering what the future may hold. 

July 23, 2017 - 4:00pm
Portland, Oregon

Join award-winning author Daniel Skach-Mills as he reads from his latest book, The Beyond Within:The Downtown Dao of Lan Su Chinese Garden

July 23, 2017 - 2:00pm
Portland, Oregon

Local artist, Shu-Ju Wang, will be available to answer questions about her work and the process she uses to create her vibrant paintings

July 12, 2017 - 5:45pm
Orange, California

The World Affairs Council of Orange County is holding a special event featuring Ambassador Christopher Hill, former head of the US Delegation to the Six Party Talks and former Ambassador to the Republic of Korea and Clayton Dube, Executive Director of USC US-China Institute.
