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Past Events: public talk

October 29, 2012 - 8:00am
New York, New York

Asia Society presents a seminar in which we will seek to understand how China's “resource diplomacy”—its overseas pursuit of energy and resources—affects the international system and U.S.—China relations.

October 28, 2012 - 2:00pm
Pasadena, California

The English-language collection of Liu Xiaobo's acclaimed work will launch at the Pacific Asia Museum. Books will be available for purchase and signing.

October 28, 2012 - 10:30am
Hacienda Heights, California

Dr. Iwamura discusses her research on altar practice among Japanese American Jodo Shin Buddhists and what it reveals about their spiritual orientation, institutional dynamics, and current challenges.

October 27, 2012 - 2:00pm
Los Angeles, California

The USC U.S.-China Institute and the Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture present a panel discussion on the film industry in China and its impact on the American market.

October 26, 2012 - 4:15pm
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard University presents a workshop with Clara Ho and Grace Fong on that will consider two new areas of inquiry in the study of women's writing.

October 26, 2012 - 4:15pm
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard University presents a workshop with Clara Ho and Grace Fong on that will consider two new areas of inquiry in the study of women's writing.

October 26, 2012 - 1:00pm
Berkeley, California

This symsposium honors the 80th birthday of one of the greatest scholars in the field of Chinese Oracle bones, Professor Emeritus David N. Keightley. Scholars will come together to present a selection of new work in the field of oracle bones, and assess the legendary work of Professor Keightley.

October 26, 2012 - 8:00am
Los Angeles, California

The USC School of International Relations and USC Center for International Studies will host a workshop on the relations between China and Latin America.

October 25, 2012 - 5:00pm

The Sigur Center for Asian Studies at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. presents a discussion with Professors Amitai Etzioni and David Shambaugh on issues regarding China and U.S.-China relations.

October 24, 2012 - 7:30pm
Durham, North Carolina

Opening Reception and Q&A with filmmaker Luo Bing.
