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Video: Enze Han on The Politics of National Identity in China

September 23, 2014

Enze Han (University of London) examines how five major ethnic minority groups in China, the Uyghurs, Chinese Koreans, Dai, Mongols, and Tibetans, negotiate their national identities with the Chinese nation-state.

Video: Dan Washburn and Karl Taro Greenfeld on "The Forbidden Game"

September 22, 2014

Award-winning journalists Dan Washburn and Karl Taro Greenfeld discuss Washburn's new book, The Forbidden Game: Golf and the Chinese Dream, which uses the politically taboo topic of golf to paint what critics are calling "an illuminating portrait of modern China."

Video: Academic Input and China’s Foreign Policy Making

September 10, 2014

Professor Ren Xiao from Fundan University discusses ways in which the academic and policy research community can impact China's foreign policies.

Video: Screenings of Tiananmen Square

May 13, 2014

A series of discussions of what happened in 1989.

Video: Worsening Sino-Japan Relations: Implications for the US

April 2, 2014

Professor David Arase discusses Sino-Japan-US ties.

Video: China's Challenge to Mexico's Maquiladora Industry

March 13, 2014

A panel discussion at the conference "NAFTA at Twenty: Trade, Transformation and the China Factor."

Geoff Dyer - The Contest of the Century

February 18, 2014

Author Geoff Dyer discusses his new book, "The Contest of the Century," which is both an inside account of Beijing's new quest for influence and an explanation of how America can come out on top--an essential book for businessmen, politicians, financiers, and anyone interested in current world affairs.

Video: The Obama – Xi Sunnylands Summit seen through the press and popular culture in the U.S. and China

September 23, 2013

The USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy and the USC U.S.–China Institute present a panel discussion to examine the media coverage and other behind the scenes details of the superpower summit.

Video: China's Wastelands: How the World's Trash (Including Yours) Ends Up in China's Rivers

September 18, 2013

USC's Joshua Goldstein looks at recycling in China.

Video: Ying Zhu - Two Billion Eyes: The Story of China Central Television

September 17, 2013

The USC U.S.-China Institute presents a book talk with Ying Zhu. "Two Billion Eyes" explores ways in which the country’s highest rated television network, China Central Television (CCTV), has become the surprising battleground for China’s future.
