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Science and Technology

China and International Relations Graduate Student Workshop

The University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Contemporary China will host a graduate research workshop on China and International Relations. Hyun-Binn Cho, a Ph.D. Candidate from the Political Science Department, will organize the event with the help of Brian C. Chao and Chris Liu.

Webinar: Asia’s Future is Now

To enable business leaders to better develop new strategies and thrive in the Asian Century, Asian Century, Asia Society Southern California is collaborating with the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) on a series of live webcast events over 2020.

The Year in U.S.-China Relations 2016: "It's Not Dark Yet..."

Please join the Kissinger Institute for its 4th annual review of the state of U.S.-China relations and a look at what 2017 might portend for US-China relations.

China's Power: Up for Debate (2nd Annual ChinaPower Conference)

The Center for Strategic and International Studies presents the second annual ChinaPower conference focusing on the issues that underpin Chinese power.

Forced Competition And Existential Comparisonism - A Conversation By Xiang Biao 项飙 (April 14th, 2023)

Join the discussion! In this conversation, participants are invited to share personal experiences and observations. Xiang will start the conversation by providing a brief history about examination in China.

Texas Asia Conference 2015: Beyond the Spectacular and the Mundane

The University of Texas at Austin Center for East Asian Studies will host the Texas Asia Conference 2015: Beyond the Spectacular and the Mundane. In what is becoming a biennial tradition, the conference, which is a space to present graduate research work centered on Asia as a regional focus, will be held on 2nd and 3rd of October (Friday and Saturday) 2015.

2016 California China Forum: The Collision between Chinese and American Culture and Technology Innovation

USC Chinese Student and Scholars Association co-hosts a forum that aims to present in-depth discussion about the linkage between Chinese culture and technology in Southern California and the U.S. market.

Asia 2017: The Experts Forecast

Join Asia Society as it takes a moment at year’s end to peer into Asia’s future, and put some of its own experts on the spot: Evan Medeiros, Ruchir Sharma, Josette Sheeran, and others, moderated by Tom Nagorski.

Science and Technology in the U.S. and China

Discussion of science and technology, similarities and differences, both in the U.S. and China. 
