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Science and Technology

Making a Yellow River Delta: An Environmental Drama in Northern Song China

University of California, Los Angeles Center for Chinese Studies hosts a talk by Ling Zhang

Webinar: A Race to Innovate

Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for a conversation with Gary Reischel. 

Asian Sound Revolution with Jin Hi Kim and Min Xiao-Fen

University of Chicago Center for East Asian Studies hosts a performance by musicians Jin Hi Kim and Min Xiao-Fen blending traditional and modern Korean and Chinese music.

Exporting Censorship in the Digital Age: Lessons in Chinese Sharp Power

The Sigur Center for Asian Studies at George Washington University presents a talk by Dr. Glenn Tiffert on the use of technology to promote Chinese Party narratives.

Psychological Consequences of Walking in Urban Chinese Infants

University of California, Berkeley Professor of Psychology Joseph J. Campos will discuss the psychological consequences of motoric activity in Chinese infants at the University's Institute of East Asian Studies.

Deviant Writing and Youth Identity: Representation of Dialects with Chinese Characters on the Internet

University of California, Los Angeles Asia Institute hosts a talk by Jin Liu.

A City of Workers, A City for Workers? Beijing Urban Space in the 1950s

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies hosts a talk with Fabio Lanza.

Hiroshige’s City: From Edo to Tokyo

How does a city develop a distinct visual identity? This question became a major theme in Japanese art during the Edo period (1615–1868).

Africa-China Conference 2017: Infrastructure, Resource Extraction, and Environmental Sustainability

The University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies will jointly host a conference exploring the social and environmental realities of Chinese engagement in Africa. 
