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Science and Technology

China and Russia in Latin America: 2017 and Beyond

The Wilson Center's Kennan Institute will host the event, China and Russia in Latin America in 2017 and Beyond. This event is cosponsored by the Wilson Center's Latin America Program and the Kissinger Institute on China and the U.S.

Next China: How the Middle Kingdom Will Reshape Your World

A public forum held on technology, economy, healthcare, politics and philanthropy of the China region. 

SoCal Innovation Forum

SoCal Innovation Forum (SIF) is the most influential cross-border forum integrating Chinese and American resources in Southern California’s entrepreneur community. SIF not only gathers top ventures and entrepreneurs, but also celebrates LA tech, entertainment and startups with panels, keynotes, mixers, and more.

China: Threat or Opportunity? From hacking scandals and climate change to economic growth and currency issues.

USC Annenberg, in partnership with the Center on Communication Leadership and Policy (CCLP) and the Institute for Diversity and Empowerment at Annenberg (IDEA), presents a panel moderated by Robert Scheer in Comm 310: Media and Society.

Webinar: Asia’s Future is Now

To enable business leaders to better develop new strategies and thrive in the Asian Century, Asian Century, Asia Society Southern California is collaborating with the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) on a series of live webcast events over 2020.

Teacher Workshop: China at the Center

The Asian Art Museum presents a workshop for educators that interacts with the exhibition "China at the Center"

Taiwan and Latin American Relations: Achievements and Opportunities

This roundtable will specifically discuss Taiwan's diplomatic relations with countries in the region as well as its significant contributions to natural disaster preparedness and combating public health threats.

2018 Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Conference

The Asia Program at Washington State University invites college and university faculty, K-12 schoolteachers, independent scholars and graduate and undergraduate students with an interest in Asian or Asian diaspora studies to submit proposals for organized panels, roundtable discussions, or individual papers to the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) 2018 Conference held June 8-10, 2018 at WSU, Pullman.
