
Special Spring Workshop: The Beijing Olympics

This workshop will discuss aspects of this change, and the economic, political, and social implication of Olympics-led urban renewal in Beijing.

Leaving Children Behind: Migrating Parents and their Non-Migrating Children in Urban China

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies presents a lecture by Xuewen (Sherman) Tan on the children of migrant workers.

Homeowner Associations in China: From Property Management Company’s Autocracy to Homeowners' Self-Governance

USC Sol Price School of Public Policy presents a talk with Guoqing Li, director of the Urban Policy and Urban Culture Research Center, the Institute of Urban & Environmental Studies, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, on home ownership in China.

Symposium: Who Decides in China’s Rapid Urbanization? An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into the New Chinese City

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Carolina Asia Center presents a symposium on China's rapid urbanization.

Statistics, Census Data, and GIS for China Studies

USC's East Asia Library presents a talk by Shuming
Bao, the Senior Research Coordinator for China Initiatives at University of
Michigan's China Data Center.

Mountain, State, Minority: China’s Landscape as Post-Alteric?

Louisa Schein, Associate Professor, Departments of Anthropology and Women's and Gender Studies from Rutgers University will lecture at Stanford University on the topic of China's social landscape.

Landscapes of Wealth: Instant Cities and Global Suburbs in China and Beyond

Margaret Pugh O'Mara, Assistant Professor of History at the University of Washington, will present "Landscapes of Wealth: Instant Cities and Global Suburbs in China and Beyond" at the Chicago History Museum.

The May 2008 US-China Insurance Dialogues

John Morrison will give an overview of Sino-US cooperation on social insurance regulation with a focus on health policy, as one window into Sino-US relations on the verge of the Olympics.

Revalorizing Gendered Self-Worth in China’s New Age of Private Property

UC Berkeley presents Professor Li Zhang's talk how self-worth has become more and more individualized and materialized through the rising culture of consumerism.

Tenth Annual Kiang Lecture: Can China's Urbanization Save the World?

Kam Wing Chan, geography professor at the University of Washington will discuss the potential of the China market in the 10th annual Wan-Lin Kiang Lecture, hosted by the Center for Asian Studies.
