
Has China Surpassed the US in Supercomputing?

Dona Crawford, Associate Director of Computation at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will speak about China's rapid growth in Supercomputer technology

Product Safety: Understanding the "Made in China" Brand (with live webcast)

This program will look at the effects of the Olympics on China and analyze many issues that China is currently facing.

Rising Inequality in China: Housing Privatization and Other Factors

Harvard's Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies presents Terry Sicular as part of the New England China Seminar.

Master Plans and Model Communities: Rationalities of Planning in Contemporary Urban China

Dr. David Bray, Senior Lecturer in Chinese Studies from the University of Sydney, speaks on urban planning in China

Visible Boundaries: The Spatialization of Class in the Uneven Housing Development of Nanjing

Sarah Tynen, a Graduate Student in the Department of Geography at CU-Boulder, examines the relationship between economic development and inter-group tensions on a local scale
