
Ernest J. Wilson III: Introduction for Daniel Russel

May 25, 2016

Ernest J. Wilson III is dean of the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

Tao Ran 陶然: China’s Urbanization Model and its Challenges

May 17, 2016

Professor Tao Ran from Renmin University spoke on the "Urbanization: Its Costs, benefits, and Complications" panel at China’s Growing Pains on April 22, 2016.

Fulbright Teaching Assistant Brings Back Lessons from Taiwan

March 21, 2016

Teaching English overseas makes USC Rossier alum an ideal choice for social studies classes at Arcadia High

USC Sets Out to Build Social Work Program in China

March 9, 2016

School teams with Beijing Normal University to enhance its Master of Social Work program.

Environmental Progress Likely for China, Professor Predicts

January 27, 2016

Urban economist is upbeat about the country’s future and fascinated by California’s coastal cities

Chinese History Comes to Life through Games

January 11, 2016

USC Dornife students learn about 200 years of economics in a course that incorporates online role playing

USC President Honors Trustee Ming Hsieh as Shanghai Conference Comes to a Close

November 1, 2015

The university’s biennial leadership event focused on ‘Innovations for a Rapidly Changing World’

Grad student thinks small when crafting Chinese ornaments

April 12, 2015

USC Dornsife scholar studies tiny wooden replicas of buildings that adorn Buddhist temples and monasteries

Jason Squire Turns in Masterful Work Overseas

March 12, 2015

Shanghai institution taps the associate professor as a master of entertainment studies

USC Price Student Masters Philanthropy

March 12, 2015

Bilingual Qi Yan has worked as a Gates Foundation intern in China, contributing ideas learned at USC.
