Join us for a free one-day workshop for educators at the Japanese American National Museum, hosted by the USC U.S.-China Institute and the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia. This workshop will include a guided tour of the beloved exhibition Common Ground: The Heart of Community, slated to close permanently in January 2025. Following the tour, learn strategies for engaging students in the primary source artifacts, images, and documents found in JANM’s vast collection and discover classroom-ready resources to support teaching and learning about the Japanese American experience.
Talks on Jewish Studies in China (Session 2)
The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies presents a talk with Professor Song Lihong, Nanjing University, that discusses the differences in Chinese and Western perspectives on the Jewish Community in Kaifeng, China.
6th Annual Greater Philadelphia Asian Studies Consortium Undergraduate Research Conference
University of Pennsylvania hosts the sixth annual Greater Philadelphia Asian Studies Consortium Undergraduate Research Conference. The theme for this year will be Exploring Asia: From the Silk Road to the Shanghai Expo.
China and International Relations Graduate Student Workshop
The University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Contemporary China will host a graduate research workshop on China and International Relations. Hyun-Binn Cho, a Ph.D. Candidate from the Political Science Department, will organize the event with the help of Brian C. Chao and Chris Liu.
(No)worries about China: Contemporary Intellectual Trends and Their Social Environment
The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies hosts Chaohua Wang for a talk surrounding how intellectual discussions have progressed in China.
Curriculum Design and National Identity Construction during the Anti-Japanese War: Focus on Relevant Chiang Kai-Shek's Personal Orders
A discussion of Chiang Kai-Shek's education policies with Zhengwei Liu of Zhejiang University.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche: Breath as Medicine
Asia Society hosts a talk by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on the application of ancient Tibetan mind-body practices to our modern world.
Challenges of Higher Education Reform: China and India Compared
The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University presents a talk "Challenges of Higher Education Reform: China and India Compared" by Elizabeth Perry Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 12:30pm to 1:50pm.
Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch
The University of Kentucky presents Julia Chang Bloch.
Asia 2017: The Experts Forecast
Join Asia Society as it takes a moment at year’s end to peer into Asia’s future, and put some of its own experts on the spot: Evan Medeiros, Ruchir Sharma, Josette Sheeran, and others, moderated by Tom Nagorski.
Using Films in Chinese Language Teaching
The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies presents a workshop to focus on using film to teach Chinese language.
Featured Articles
Please join us for the Grad Mixer! Hosted by USC Annenberg Office of International Affairs, Enjoy food, drink and conversation with fellow students across USC Annenberg. Graduate students from any field are welcome to join, so it is a great opportunity to meet fellow students with IR/foreign policy-related research topics and interests.
RSVP link:
Hosted by USC Annenberg Office of International Affairs, enjoy food, drink and conversation with fellow international students.
Join us for an in-person conversation on Thursday, November 7th at 4pm with author David M. Lampton as he discusses his new book, Living U.S.-China Relations: From Cold War to Cold War. The book examines the history of U.S.-China relations across eight U.S. presidential administrations.