Happy Lunar New Year from the USC US-China Institute!
Asia 2017: The Experts Forecast
Join Asia Society as it takes a moment at year’s end to peer into Asia’s future, and put some of its own experts on the spot: Evan Medeiros, Ruchir Sharma, Josette Sheeran, and others, moderated by Tom Nagorski.
December 13, 2016 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Join us as we take a moment at year’s end to peer into Asia’s future, and put some of our own experts on the spot: Evan Medeiros, Ruchir Sharma, Josette Sheeran, and others, moderated by Tom Nagorski. From the North Korean nuclear threat to rising tensions between India and Pakistan, the fate of the Trans-Pacific Partnership to continued speculation about the global economy, what will the new year bring and what trends should we watch for in business and politics? Which leaders will fare best, and which others will be challenged? What are the storm clouds gathering that might not be readily apparent – and where might we find the silver linings? This year’s edition will take into account the aftermath of the 2016 U.S. elections, and its implications for Asia and the world.
Evan Medeiros is Managing Director of Asia at the Eurasia Group. Previously, he served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Council.
Ruchir Sharma is Head of Emerging Markets and Chief Global Strategist at Morgan Stanley Investment Management. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Rise and Fall of Nations: Forces of Change in a Post-Crisis World.
Josette Sheeran is the seventh President and CEO of Asia Society. Previously, she served as Vice Chair of the World Economic Forum and Fisher Fellow in the Future of Diplomacy at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Tom Nagorski (moderator) is Executive Vice President of Asia Society. He joined the Asia Society following a three-decade career in journalism—having served most recently as Managing Editor for International Coverage at ABC News.
This program made possible through the generous support of the Nicholas Platt Endowment for Public Policy, Delta Air Lines, and Asia Society Policy Institute Founding Member Morgan Stanley.
Members $12; Students/Seniors $15; Nonmembers $20
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