
Jimmy Carter, “Establishing Diplomatic Relations with China,” Dec. 15, 1978

December 15, 1978

President Jimmy Carter reads a joint Communiqué on the establishment of U.S.-Sino relations.

Joint Communiqué of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China, December 15, 1978

December 15, 1978

The United States of America and the People's Republic of China have agreed to recognize each other and to establish diplomatic relations as of January 1, 1979.

Hale Boggs and Gerald Ford, "Impressions of the New China: Joint Report to the U.S. House of Representatives," August 3, 1972

August 3, 1972

Boggs (Democrat) was the Majority Leader of the US House of Representatives and Ford (Republican) was the Minority Leader of the House. They visited China from June 23 to July 7, 1972. A House resolution on August 3, 1972 authorized the printing of their report as a House document.

Henry Kissinger and Huang Zhen, "Meeting in Paris," August 16, 1971

August 16, 1971

National Security Adviser Kissinger met with Huang Zhen, China's Ambassador to France. Winston Lord prepared this memorandum which was approved by Kissinger on August 28.

Richard Nixon announces he will visit China, July 15, 1971

July 15, 1971

The President explained that National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger had been meeting with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and that it had been agreed that the President would now go to China.

Message From the United States President to the Emperor of Japan, 1941

December 6, 1941

One day before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor with 420 airplanes, President Franklin D. Roosevelt sent the following message to the Showa Emperor of Japan.

Vietnam, the United States and China Today – Insights from the Consul General (MLF)

Nguyen Ba Hung, Consul General of Vietnam in San Francisco the Socialist Republic of Vietnam will discuss the relations between Vietnam, the United States and China today.

China and the World

Meeting Thursday at USC and Friday at Occidental College, an international panel of scholars examines China's evolving relations with Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

Teleconference: Obama-Xi Meeting: Lowering Expectations?

Prime Minister Abe, President Obama and General Secretary Xi will all be in Beijing next week at a critical moment for both bilateral and trilateral relationships. Join the Wilson Center BY PHONE as three experts in China and Japan discuss what the leaders might do to offer reassurance and set the region and the relationships on a better path?

Duke-UNC China Leadership Summit 2016

Duke University and University of North Carolina host the China Leadership Summit, a gathering of undergraduates from China and the U.S. interested in deepening their understanding of China and creating a more productive relationship between the U.S. and China.
