
Chinese-English Bilingual Career Fair at USC

Chinese Career Center hosts a Chinese-bilinguals career fair at USC.

RCCPB Colloquium: Thomas Rawski

The Research Center for Chinese Politics and Business at Indiana University is proud to present: Thomas G. Rawski- Professor of Economics and History at the University of Pittsburgh-for his talk “A Long-Term Perspective on China's Past and Future Development".

Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built

[video of the talk available, see link below] The USC U.S.-China Institute presents a book talk by Duncan Clark, whose new book chronicles Jack Ma's rise from an English teacher to the founder of one of the world's biggest companies, Alibaba.

China's High-Tech Surge: Investing in America and Innovation

The Asia Society and the Rhodium Group launch a report on Chinese high technology investment in the United States.

Slowing Growth & Policy Uncertainty: Reflections on the USCBC 2016 Member Survey

The National Committee on US-China Relations will be hosting a presentation on the findings of the US-China Business Council's (USCBC) Annual Membership Survey.

China's High-Tech Surge: Investing in America and Innovation

The Asia Society and the Rhodium Group launch a report on Chinese high technology investment in the United States.

It works because it works badly: Meaning of Business Trip in Sino-Korean Food Trade

The University of Chicago's Center for East Asian Studies presents a workshop on business trips in Sino-Korean food trade.

23rd Annual Committee of 100 Conference in San Francisco

The Committee of 100 is a leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts.Members of the Committee of 100 are leading U.S. citizens of Chinese descent who leverage their collective influence, resources and experiences to address important issues affecting U.S.-China relations as well as significant concerns of the Chinese American community.

SYNC 2014: China Towards

SYNC, PingWest's flagship annual conference, aims to gather the world's sharpest minds and hottest startups together in one event.

Adventures in Media Entrepreneurship in China

Peter Brack, veteran media executive and now a venture capitalist, will discuss lessons learned in two decades launching and running media enterprises in China and the rest of Asia.
