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China's High-Tech Surge: Investing in America and Innovation

The Asia Society and the Rhodium Group launch a report on Chinese high technology investment in the United States.

April 1, 2014 3:30pm to 6:45pm

Please join the Asia Society and Rhodium Group for the launch of a new report on the Chinese investment surge in U.S. high tech. As Chinese outbound investment shifts from natural resources into more advanced, innovation-intensive industries, a rapidly increasing share is going into U.S. IT, cleantech, biotech, advanced transportation, and more. What are the hottest sectors drawing the most Chinese investment? Which Chinese firms are leading the surge and what is driving them? What are the economic and political factors behind these investments, and what are the most serious challenges they face? What is the impact on U.S. jobs, the tax base, and national security?


Alan Chen, President & CEO, Perfect World Entertainment
Mark Horn, Senior Managing Director, Technology Banking, East West Bank
Kenneth Petrilla, Executive Vice President; Head of China Desk, Wells Fargo
Bruce Pickering, Vice President for Global Programs, Asia Society
Sean Randolph, President, Bay Area Council Economic Institute
Daniel Rosen, Founder and China Practice Leader, Rhodium Group 
Orville Schell, Arthur Ross Director, Center for U.S.-China Relations, Asia Society
Vivien Wang, Tax Partner, Chinese Services Group Tax Leader, Deloitte
Jack Wadsworth, Advisory Director, Morgan Stanley
Ken Wilcox, Chairman, Silicon Valley Bank
Additional Speakers TBA

For more information on the upcoming report, please visit

Program Agenda:

3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Registration
3:30 – 6:45 p.m. Conference
6:45 – 7:30 p.m. Reception

Buy Tickets

$50 Asia Society/Co-Sponsor Members; $75 Non-Members; Special Offer $100 admission w/ 1yr membership ($140 value)