
Brauen, The Dalai Lamas - A Visual History, 2005

January 1, 2005

Martin Brauen's book was reviewed by Jose Cabezoon for H-Buddhism

Tethered Tiger, Captured Dragon: Clearing Out Demons from Mountain Woods

Carma Hinton of George Mason University will be speaking at Princeton University.

Apolitical Romance 水餃幾兩: New York Asian Film Festival

New York Asian Film Festival in association with Asia Society presents a screening of the film "Apolitical Romance 水餃幾兩".

Impressions of China Photography Exhibition Opening Reception

Lan Su Chinese Garden is pleased to host the premiere opening of the Impressions of China Photography Exhibition. The exhibition showcases China’s cultural wonders via photography.

Evenings With Ai Weiwei - Disturbing the Peace

The University of Washington presents a screening of Disturbing the Peace by Ai Weiwei.

Perfect Imbalance, Exploring Chinese Aesthetics

The Peabody Essex Museum presents an exhibition that features 30 objects that date from the Neolithic era to 2004 in a range of media including paintings, jade, textiles, porcelain and prints.

The Significance of Color Symbolism in Himalayan Sacred Arts: As Seen through Costumes, Textiles and Jewelry

The Society for Asian Art presents a talk with Tamara Hill on how “five-colored” and rainbow-hued patterns are integral to Buddhist traditions and how the colors are auspicious metaphors for luck, hope and impermanence.

Third Annual Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference in Modern Chinese Humanities

The Center for Chinese Studies at UC Berkeley hosts a conference with guest speaker Xiaobing Tang.

Sacred Spaces with The Tibetan Buddhist Shrine Room

The Rubin Museum presents an exhibition that reflects on sacred spaces by focusing on devotional activities in awe-inspiring places. In particular the exhibition presents three distinct but related environments shaped by acts of veneration. What spaces are sacred to you?

Bodhisattva Precepts (śīla) and Monastic Codes (vinaya) in Fifth-sixth Century Chinese Buddhism

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies presents a lecture on Chinese humanities.
