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China in Democratic Party Platforms, 1968-2020

  The establishment of normal diplomatic and economic relations with China ... with corporate interests over our workers and launching a trade war with China ... will take aggressive action against China or any other country that tries ...

Trump Administration, Trump on China – Putting America First, Nov.2, 2020

officials. Second, given China’s population size, economic prowess, ... Communist Party and its threat to America’s economic and political way ... assertive China. We are no longer turning a blind eye to the People’s Republic ...

Winston Lord, Mike Mansfield, and Hugh Scott, "Report on Mansfield- Scott Trip to China," May 12, 1972

by discussing the revolutionary ballet The White-Haired Girl. The senators asked ... Documents- US-China Topic:  Politics Tags:  US State Department Congress Custom ...

Talking Points, May 7- 18, 2011

such as the Korean Peninsula and South China Sea. With regard to economics, China ... U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue State Department 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20520 The third meeting of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic ...

Richard Nixon, Press Conference on the Trip to China, February 10, 1972

to the details of the trip to Mainland China. This will not cover all the details, ... there are many experts in this field of China--whose books have been brought to my ... Cabinet. We had a discussion prior to the dinner on the subject of China ...

2009 Human Rights Report: Democratic People's Republic of Korea March 11, 2010

Center's 2009 White Paper on North Korean Human Rights indicated ... of live birth, the white paper reported that prison guards killed the infant ... to the white paper. Defectors reported that reeducation through labor, primarily ...

Chu, "Sixth Generation films and national allegory," 2005

The paper first tries to introduce the different definitions of the Sixth Generation and provide a general socio-political background of China. Second, ... national allegory. The last part of the paper is devoted to an examination ...

Shi, "Gender-biased education investment intention among Chinese rural parents: A glimpse into the intra-household resource allocation process," 1997

in 1991 in China, this paper was focused on the intra-household resource ... capital investment, the paper aimed to assess whether this distribution is contingent upon the gender of a given child. This paper found that traditional ...

Joshua Goldstein- Discussant For Urbanization: It's Costs, Benefits, And Complications

and Republican China, Goldstein has been working on the history of recycling in China, including China’s processing of the world’s cast off plastics, paper, and other materials. He’s also written on health campaigns ...

Joint Press Conference of President Clinton and Premier Zhu Rongji of the People's Republic of China, 1999

has been squarely addressing China's toughest economic challenges-- ... China's economic development, reform and opening up policy.  So, Mr. ... of China's economy and the prospect of economic development in China.  And what ...
