Happy Lunar New Year from the USC US-China Institute!
Winston Lord, Mike Mansfield, and Hugh Scott, "Report on Mansfield - Scott Trip to China," May 12, 1972
1. National Security Council aid Winston Lord provides a summary of the reports of Mansfield and Scott. The document includes a summary of the exchange between the senators and Qiao Guanhua 乔冠华, vice foreign minister.
Click here to read the document.
2. Summary of a second meeting between the senators and Qiao Guanhua on April 20, 1972.
Click here to read the document.
3. Summary of a meeting between the senators and Premier Zhou Enlai on April 20, 1972. The emphasis is on the war in Southeast Asia.
Click here to read the document.
4. Summary of the April 22, 1972 meeting between the senators and Premier Zhou Enlai. They begin by discussing the revolutionary ballet The White-Haired Girl. The senators asked the Premier to send the Shanghai performers to the United States. They discussed other possible cultural and scientific exchanges. There is not significant discussion of trade.
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