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Video: Post-mortem on Taiwan’s 2020 Election

PRC Elites Debate Economics, Politics, and Foreign Policy,  Rising China ... China’s state news agency described Tsai’s election as “a temporary counter-current.” Xinhua blamed DPP cheating and said “anti-China political forces ...

Treaty between Koxinga and the Dutch Government 1662

eight or ten days, and those who are in China, as soon as possible. ... No other than a white flag shall float from the Castle until the Honourable ... | here | for the full report Section:  Documents Documents- Pre-1949 China ...

Official Proposal for the U.N. General Assembly to Study R.O.C. Participation in the United Nations 1999

of economic development in the twentieth century.     * The Republic of China ... pertaining to the Republic of China on Taiwan, to ensure that the fundamental ... The Government of the Republic of China, which was founded in 1912, moved to Taiwan ...

James A. Kelly, Assistant Secretary, speaks on U.S.-China Relations, 2003

importance of China's extraordinary, ongoing economic transformation. In a clear move away from a moribund communist economic system, China has ... of the fastest increases in income levels ever seen. China's economic growth ...

Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen's Speech on China-US Relations, 2001

economic globalization and the arrival of the cyber-age, China's future ... China's expected to see rapid economic development. China will spare ... Committee on US-China Relations, US- China Business Council, US-China Policy ...

The Thaw: Taiwan and China's Changing Relationship- Part 2

October 31, 2011 “[The Taiwan-China relationship is] the one place ... in a shooting war with China.”               - Raymond Burghardt, President of the American Institute in Taiwan China’s leaders have long asserted that Taiwan ...

Talking Points, January 23- February 1, 2012 Happy Year of the Dragon!

by 2.3 million votes. On Friday, a USC U.S.-China Institute panel examined ... for Taiwan’s relations with China and with the United States. Americans should ... issue in the U.S.-China relationship. Identity issues used to animate ...

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Washington, 2003

businesses in China.     Accelerated economic growth in China will provide new ... Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Politics ... I wish to thank the National Committee on US-China relations, the US-China ...

Wang, "The transformation of Taiwanese political economy since the mid-1980's: From authoritarian to quasi-democratic state," 2001

transition and the economic transformation in Taiwan. Democratization endows ... of by state. This economic rationality is both endorsed and constrained ... Taiwan gains ground in economic liberalization and privatization on the one ...

Taiwan Election 2012: Outcomes and Implications for US-Taiwan-China Ties

the election may mean for Taiwan, for China, and for the United States. Clayton ... the U.S.-China Institute (南加州大学美中学院). He came to USC in 2006 from UCLA where he ... on the interaction between state and society in China. He's also written ...
