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Freeman Foundation Funds New USC Internships in Asia

with organizations in China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand ...

USC Expert in Asian Languages Dies

of China, Thompson lived there until age 14. As a young man, he joined ...

These athletes row to the beat of a different drum

for hundreds of years in China, and thanks to globalization, it has found itself ...

Taiwanese Get a Taste of Something New

School of Pharmacy, the China Medical University College of Pharmacy, ...

Alhambra police build interactive bridge with Chinese community

in Chinese. Even China-based police officers are visiting the page to ask about ...

Happy Thanksgiving 感恩节快乐-- a turkey suggestion from Ming Tsai

to Talking Points, the USC US-China Institute's free weekly newsletter: Thumbnail:  Featured Image:  Section:  News Topic:  Culture Custom ...

Disaster as an Agent of Change: Institutions, Planning, and the Construction of Urban Resilience

that the year of 2008 represented the “birth year” of China’s civil society. Since ...

Remembering Ying Wu and Ming Qu

that their education would offer them. Ying was born to parents from China’s Hunan province.  Ming was born to parents from China’s Jilin province.  Both traveled ... This Trojan Family includes 3,000 outstanding students from China and Taiwan, ...
