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Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Kuo Huang

China International Publishing Group. She is the author of the book ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Marcella Szablewicz

on the politics of digital gaming in urban China. In July, she will join MIT’s ...

Video: Panel Discussion Following the Screening of "Half the Sky"

February 14, 2013 China is one of the lenses WuDunn and Kristof use ... and discrimination in the workplace.  Yet the authors also use China to illustrate ... in China as journalists helped to solidify the urgent need to change ...

Bregtje van der Haak Discusses Her Film "DNA Dreams"

highly gifted children. China has been on the forefront of cloning research ...

Dong, Qing 董卿

2014 Dong Qing, a broadcast presenter with China Central Television, has ... learning," Dong was quoted by West China Metropolis Daily as saying on Tuesday. ... presenter in China. She has hosted the high-profile Spring Festival Gala ...

Screening- Still Life

is the leading figure of mainland China’s “Sixth Generation” filmmakers, known ...

Ecological Destruction, Three Gorges Dam, and the Aesthetics of Chinese Independent Cinema

and will explore the aesthetics of a new generation of filmmakers in China ...

Bush Announces Sale of F-16 Aircraft to Taiwan, 1992

with the People's Republic of China." The highly sophisticated F-16 aircraft flew ... with the People's Republic of China. We keep our word. Our One-China policy, our recognition of the PRC as the sole legitimate government of China. I've ...

Global Exchange Program 2016: From LA to the BEI

April 6, 2017 Directed by Kelley “Kali” Chatman & Coco Wu A young Los Angeles father struggles with providing his 10-year-old son with the stability he never had all while raising him in the city of Beijing, China ...

Boston University- Shanghai Internship Program

November 13, 2017 The Shanghai Internship Program, hosted at Fudan University, offers students the opportunity to take Chinese language courses and experience the professional culture of China by participating in an internship ...
