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Hu Jintao and Georgian President Sign Bilateral Joint Statement, April 12, 2006

and Cooperation between the People's Republic of China and Georgia. ... says that Georgia reaffirms its pursuit of the one-China policy, acknowledges that the government of the People's Republic of China ...

U.S. Sec. of Transportation Rodney Slater, Remarks in Taipei, June 14, 2000

States places on its economic and commercial relations with Taiwan. ... economic and trade relations between our peoples. Both the president and vice ... underscores the future economic and commercial relations between the U.S. ...

Drive to unite technology and creativity at forefront of 10th Chinese Internet Research Conference

and economic landscape? And how is China, with its mammoth online population, ... China now has the largest Internet population of any country. More than ... of the United States – are on the Internet in China. Since its inception in at USC ...

Chen, "Learning mathematics problem solving through personalized computer-assisted program in Taiwan," 2005

by the author of this paper. The English version was created by Dr. Ku ...

2009 Human Rights Report: Cambodia March 11, 2010

in Ratanakiri Province during a protest over an economic land concession leased ...

Chen Shui-bian, “Taiwan Stands Up: Presidential Inauguration Address,” May 20, 2000

in the history of the Republic of China, but also an epochal landmark for Chinese ... president of the Republic of China has clearly shown the world that the fruits ... for economic development and societal progress is the people. Over the past ...

Shaolin Temple and the 21st Century

China Institute, along with the USC East Asian Studies Center and the USC ... from China's famed Shaolin Temple 少林寺. Peter Shiao, filmmaker ... their daily meditation and training regime, whether China's changing ...


January 1, 2007 The USC U.S.- China Institute (USCI) is committed to improving teaching about China and the rest of Asia. Together ... and revolution, economic development and social change, and much more. Fall 2014 ...

Expo Blog- August: A New Group Takes Over

of Economics, to allow me to travel through China with ease, to bulk up my resume, ... at the Jiangsu Pavilion: Reflections of the USAP? China Provincial Pavilions ... USAP/China Provincial Exchange program, I knew little about Jiangsu other than ...

2011-2012 USCI Faculty Research Grants

“Documenting the Global City: Enhancing Cultural Understanding between China ... School of Cinematic Arts and the Communication University of China ... the documentaries in both China and the U.S. Daniel Lynch (School of International ...
