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Chinese Investments in Latin America

China, the United States and Latin America.  As China’s influence in Latin America grows, attention is increasingly turning to China’s economic ... America in China’s development: What is China’s long-term economic policy ...

Hearing on “China's Views of Sovereignty and Methods of Access Control”, Feb. 27, 2008

Good morning and welcome to the second hearing of the U.S.-China Economic ... to closely monitor the economic and security dimensions of the U.S-China ... national security.  As China’s economic power grows along with its political ...

Chinese take to the air

March 24, 2022 China Southern is the nation's largest airline. Like China Eastern and many other carriers, it makes heavy use ... in the crash of China Eastern flight 5735 from Kunming to Guangzhou. Worldwide, ...

Video: The State of the Chinese Economy

Headlines, though, are also dominated by other economic news from China ... ’s Economic Growth 1978-2025: What We Know Today about China’s Economic Growth ... from around the world gathered in Los Angeles to discuss China ...

US and PRC Governments, Trade Agreement, January 15, 2020

us-china-trade-agreement-2020-january-15-full-text.pdf Section:  Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Custom Thumbnail:  ... Republic of China (collectively the “Parties”), RECOGNIZING the importance of their bilateral economic and trade relationship; REALIZING ...

China and Ghana Issue Joint Communiqué, June 20, 2006

2006, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Ghana issued ... Communique between the People's Republic of China and the Republic ... of the People's Republic of China paid an official visit to the Republic of Ghana ...

Video: David Shambaugh on "China Goes Global: The Partial Power"

how China’s growing economic power has given the nation access to other ... of major newspapers on a daily basis. But, while many have focused on China’s politics, economic development, and social changes, few have considered how ...

Joint Press Communiqué between the People's Republic of China and The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC), July 7, 2004

to China from July 4 to 7. At the end of the visit, China and the GCC issued ... by the government of the People's Republic of China, the GCC's delegation, ... a visit to the People's Republic of China from July 4 to 7, 2004, ...

Mertha, China's Water Warriors, Citizen Action and Policy Change, 2008

January 1, 2008 Andrew Mertha.  China's Water Warriors: Citizen ... (Stanford University) Hydrodam Protests and Policy Adjustments in China ... authoritarian" theoretical framework (Policy Making in China, 1988) for analyzing ...

State Council, “China’s Energy Conditions and Policies,” Dec. 26, 2007

is inevitable for their economic and social development. China is the largest ... improved continuously. Along with China's rapid economic development ... of the country's economic and social development. China will advance energy ...
