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Johnston and Ross, Engaging China: the Management of an Emerging Power, 1999

China on Taiwan either, and thus we see progress in economic cooperation ... population and close economic relations with China, Amitav Acharya concludes: ... Reviews Reviews- US-China Reviews- China and the World Topic:  Economics ...

Mahnken and Blumenthal, eds., Strategy in Asia- The Past, Present, and Future of Regional Security (October 15, 2014)

the economic policies and prospects for the United States, China, and Japan, ... 978-0-8047-9149-6; $29.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-8047-9274-5. Enduring and Dynamic Aspects ... there are plenty of recent volumes that largely assess China’s challenge ...

Goldstein, Meeting China Halfway: How to Defuse the Emerging US-China Rivalry (March 31, 2015)

Section:  Reviews- US-China Topic:  Economics Politics Security Tags:  Taiwan ... September 15, 2015 Lyle J. Goldstein.  Meeting China Halfway: How to Defuse the Emerging US-China Rivalry.  Washington, DC  Georgetown ...

Wachman, Why Taiwan? Geostrategic Rationales for China's Territorial Integrity, 2007

Contemporary China Reviews- Taiwan Topic:  Economics Politics Security Tags:  ... for China's Territorial Integrity (Studies in Asian Security Studies in Asian ... the People's  Republic of China (PRC) perceives Taiwan and the Taiwan issue. ...

Lewis and Xue, Imagined Enemies: China Prepares for Uncertain War, 2006

China Prepares for Uncertain War.  Palo Alto  Stanford University Press, ... both economically and militarily, among other means. Despite the impressive growth of China's national economy over the last several ...

Heer, Mr. X and the Pacific-- George F. Kennan and American Policy in East Asia, 2018.

policy particularly contributed to the decisions on Japanese economic ... an economic recovery plan for Japan and implementation of an "offshore ... 68, 90-91). Almost all of the East Asian mainland, including China ...