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Getting to Know You-- The US and China Shake the World, 1971-1972

China's leaders who wanted economic reform and greater engagement ... Richard M. Nixon announced that he was going to China (text, video). Few ... to forge ties with China. Even before he became president he had written ...

Getting to Beijing: Henry Kissinger's Secret 1971 Trip

to the White House staff about their China initiative. Nixon began, "Let me ... benefit from engaging China. He felt this was intrinsicly important because of China's size and inevitable importance. Nixon also saw China as a useful ...

Assignment: China- The Week that Changed the World

of the press covering his 1972 trip to China (White House photo). Additional USC ... January 31, 2012 English | 中文 Assignment: China  Homepage   This video is also available on the  USCI YouTube Channel.   China ...

"Top Secret" Goes to China

professor Leroy Aarons,  Top Secret: The Battle for the Pentagon Papers ... of China that they have embraced this tour. That is the real story." ... freedom of the press to China, but I knew the Chinese would get ...

Jason Xia on "Top Secret" in China

February 17, 2012 Jason Xia is a Master's student in Strategic Public Relations at the USC Anneneberg School for Communication & Journalism. Jason helped promote Top Secret  in China on Weibo, a popular ...

Geoffrey Cowan on "Top Secret" in China

Video of a presentation at the USC U.S.-China Institute symposium on the play that recently toured China and the role of the Chinese press. ...

Susan Loewenberg on "Top Secret" in China

Video of a presentation at the USC U.S.-China Institute symposium on the play that recently toured China and the role of the Chinese press. ...

Josh Stamberg on "Top Secret" in China

Video of a presentation at the USC U.S.-China Institute symposium on the play that recently toured China and the role of the Chinese press. ...